Spring Rituals and Creativity....
Infusing a deep connection to Heart, Mind & Spirit through Intuitive Painting
I am in the midst of one of the deepest, most soulful spring cleanings I have ever done. I am in the process of a total revamp of my art studio! Not only am I digging through old art supplies, and smudging every room . . . I am clearing away extra mental, emotional, and energetic clutter.

The spring season naturally invites us into a process of clearing away and letting go of extra stuff . . . whether it is clutter in our closets, debris in our gardens, or a yucky story that surfaced over the winter. As we let it go, we create space for what we most want to grow in our lives. 

Spring cleaning is a ritual that many can relate to. It can be as simple practice or a deep soulful rejuvenation. As we bring greater levels of awareness to the process, we begin creating a sanctuary where it becomes inevitable for our dreams to grow.

As you dive into your spring cleaning ritual, I invite you to look for ways to bring more presence to it, to weave in the power of your visions and intentions . . . maybe through song, movement, arrangement, or really pushing yourself to let go of something that has just been lingering in your heart space. Enjoy the process! 

One of the ways I deepened my ritual today was by playing my drum.

The drum was painted and gifted to me by a dear friend and fellow artist, JoTree of Jotree;s heart and soul connections. As I played I called on the spirit of my drum. I sang intentions of growth and renewal of creative space and of my self.

Afterwards I had a long walk down by the lake and sat in contemplation and connection for some time.

I listened to the song of the waves as they broke on the shore rocks. The lake waves are different than an oceans waves. They are moved by the air element so they really are more of a duet of water and air.  Contemplating the song, I realized that all four elements were present. The air pushing the water, onto the rocks (earth) and the sun (fire) heating us all.

Returning home I felt refreshed, renewed, regenerated!
     Spectrum 2015 Opens in just two weeks!  
I am so excited to be participating in Spectrum 2015! Not only am I one of 25 artists, healers and visionaries this year, but I will also be taking the courses offered by women I admire.

Women who together embody EMPOWERMENT of creative ritual, the FREEDOM in uninhibited expression, BODY as guide and ally, ART as intuitive oracle and medicine, and NATURE as provider of love, lesson, peace, abundance and belonging!

In Spectrum, we are creating an applicable, exploratory experience of YOUR innate creative wholeness, ART~MIND~BODY~SPIRIT~NATURE.


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