Cultivating Community Resilience

April 2015
Great Speakers, delicious complimentary food, terrific silent auction items, awesome music, cash bar, and displays on 45 years of environmental work in the region.
- Amy George, Tsleil Waututh Elder and Kinder Morgan pipeline protestor
- David Cadman, former Vancouver City Councillor
Welcomes from:
- Debra Sparrow (Musqueam Nation)
- Andrea Reimer (City of Vancouver)
- Stuart Mackinnon (Vancouver Park Board)
Music by Dj Marinho
It will be a great party and an opportunity for all of us to learn about our past, celebrate the present and work together on a better future for everyone.
Thursday, April 23, 2015, at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, 2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver from 5:30-9:30 p.m.
You can register online here, write to admin@spec.bc.ca, or call 604-736-7732.
We hope you can join us!
SPEC's 2014 Annual Report is now available online

Oil Spill in English Bay raises alarm bells
By now, most people have seen photos and read news accounts of the fuel spill that occurred on April 8th, 2015 in English Bay, the impacts of which are still being determined. It is important to note that Vancouver’s waters are under federal jurisdiction and are overseen by the Vancouver Port Authority while the Canadian Coast Guard is tasked with responding to such an emergency.
It is clear that the response to the spill in English Bay was both slow and poorly coordinated. It took over six hours for the Coast Guard to respond (from Richmond - 17 nautical miles from where the Kitsilano Coast Guard station, now closed, used to be) and 12 hours to notify the City of Vancouver. As different levels of government point fingers at each other, the bigger question remains: what would this have looked like if, instead of a grain ship purging fuel, it was an oil tanker? If, instead of 2700L it was hundreds of thousands of liters?
To continue reading, go here.
Whole Foods Market
Community Chest Program
supports SPEC
We are delighted to report that SPEC will be the recipient of the Whole Foods Market (Kitsilano Store) Community Chest from April 12 to July 4. The program allows customers who bring their own reusable bags to donate 10 cents to one of two featured non-profits.
Not only that, each of the Vancouver Whole Foods Market stores is having a “double bag discount day” for Earth Month where customers can choose to either keep 20 cents per bag or donate 20 cents to.... SPEC!!!
A big thank you to our friends at Whole Foods Market for their ongoing support!
Seedling Time
This is the time of the season when we start indoor seedlings of warm season crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, and squash. These plants will grow in the classroom for the next 6 weeks until the weather is warm enough for them to be transplanted into the school gardens. Follow the story on our School Gardens Blog
Thank You Home Depot
A big thank you to Vancouver Home Depot (Terminal Ave. Vancouver store) for an in-kind donation to SPEC of $250. This generous contribution is being used to purchase supplies for the School Gardens Program.
Recent and Upcoming Events
And there is a lot more happening in the upcoming weeks, including Go Solar Tours, Urban Farmer Field School events, the SPEC 45th Anniversary Party, and more. Be sure to keep up-to-date by regularly checking our Events listings.
April 22 – Urban Farmer Field School Earth Day Tour: The Pacific Northwest and Climate Change, 5-6:30 pm at UBC Botanical Gardens. For information and to register, visit here.
April 23 – SPEC’s 45th Anniversary Party, 5:30-9:30 pm at Kits Neighbourhood House, 2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver. For information and to register for this very special event, visit here.
April 25 - Market Research and Money Management for Urban Farmers. The Vancouver Urban Farming Society, Young Agrarians and Vancity have partnered to present this urban-farmer targeted business workshop day. 10:00 – 2:00 pm at Vancity Oakridge Community Branch, 5594 Cambie Street. For information visit here.
April 26 - Earth Day Parade. Find SPEC's table, and check out the surprises we have in store for you!
April 30 – Urban Farmer Field School: Soils - The Foundation of a Happy and Productive Garden, 6-8 pm at Kits Neighbourhood House. For information and to register, visit here.
May 5 – Urban Farmer Field School: Growing Food in Small Spaces, 6-8 pm at Kits Neighbourhood House. For information and to register, visit here.
May 10 – Go Solar Tour, 11-12:30 at MEC (130 West Broadway, Vancouver). For information and to register for this free event, visit here.
Job Postings for the
Sustainable Communities Field School
UBC Botanical Garden and SPEC are looking to hire two graduate students to support the new Sustainable Communities Field School. The job titles are: Psychology Student Academic Assistant and Sustainability Practices Academic Student Assistant. Check out the job postings here!
Volunteer for SPEC!
Our committees are always accepting volunteers. If you are interested please contact us at volunteer@spec.bc.ca for more information.