Community Arts Resources, Funding, Tools & Tips / Ressources, financement, outils et astuces en art communautaire
    April / avril 2015
Looking for new funding that can support your work? Interested in new ways to evaluate what you do or demonstrate why it matters? Or perhaps you are looking for tips and tools from other community artists and cultural workers.
Here is a sample of the ArtBridges collection of community arts & arts for social change funding programs, tools, and resources currently available in Canada. This collection is the result of the time, effort, and generosity of ArtBridges partners across Canada.

For more free listings like this, browse the ArtBridges Learning & Resources portal and visit our Guide to Community Arts Funding.

Vous cherchez de nouvelles sources de financement? Vous voulez connaître de nouvelles façons d’évaluer vos projets ou de démontrer leur importance? Ou découvrir les outils et astuces d’autres artistes et de personnes qui travaillent en art communautaire?

Voici un échantillon des programmes de financement, outils et ressources en art communautaire actuellement offerts au Canada que ToileDesArts a rassemblés pour vous. Ces ressources sont mises à votre disposition grâce aux efforts et à la générosité de nos partenaires communautaires de partout au Canada

Pour découvrir encore plus de ressources, consultez dans notre site Web la section Formation et ressources ainsi que le Guide de recherche de financement pour des projets d’art communautaire.

Artist and Community Collaboration

Common Weal Community Arts | Flo Frank, Marnie Badham, Sue Hemphill, Brenda Niskala

Looking for a solid resource for how to approach community arts projects? Developed for people who are 'involved in or undertaking a community project', this toolkit focuses on communities that have limited access to the arts. This toolkit includes worksheets, sample documents, project profiles, and checklists to support project development and management.

Arts Administration Practical Guide for Community-Engaged Artists

Arts & Health Project | Sharon Kallis

Do you have questions about project development, management, and reporting? This hands-on guide provides an overview of key steps and ideas related to administering a project. This is a very practical guide based on the author's work experiences and includes specifics, from getting photo releases to creating payment schedules in Excel.

GOAL Toolkit: Grantwriting 101

ArtReach Toronto | Shahina Sayani, Laura Metcalfe

An introductory toolkit on writing and applying for grants. Contains sections on researching opportunities, elements of a funding application package, preparing to apply, writing a proposal, and next steps. Also includes sources of helpful Toronto- and Canada-based research and statistics related to youth, communities, and the arts.

How to Create a Youth Arts Collective

Arts Network for Children and Youth | Rikhee Strap

Want to start up a youth arts collective but not sure where to begin? This backgrounder provides helpful tips and advice for getting started. It includes questions to consider and links to some helpful tools for getting organized.

Connexion subvention
Grant Connect

Imagine Canada

Connexion subvention est une base de données consultable en ligne procurant des informations détaillées sur des milliers de bailleurs de fonds. Il faut payer un abonnement à Connexion subvention pour y avoir accès. Il est possible que certaines bibliothèques y soient abonnées.

Grant Connect is an online database with detailed, searchable information about thousands of funders. Grant Connect can be accessed with a paid subscription. Some libraries may also offer community access.

Fonds d’Action Culturelle Communautaire
Community Cultural Action Fund

Ministere du Patrimoine Canadien | Department of Canadian Heritage

Le Ministère du Patrimoine Canadien met à disposition des fonds pour célébrer la richesse et la diversité de l'expression culturelle en assurant le rayonnement des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire.

The objectives of the Community Cultural Action Fund (CCAF) are to: support and strengthen the cultural, artistic and heritage actions of official-language minority communities; ensure outreach of the wealth and diverse cultural, artistic and heritage expressions of official-language minority communities.

Arts and Positive Change in Communities

Creative City Network of Canada

Are you making a case for donations, grants, or sponsorship?  This is a helpful roundup of evidence that links the arts to positive change in communities. This summary of research touches on the impact of the arts as it relates to public dialogue, creative learning communities, healthy communities, community mobilization, and community capacity.

Programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les Seniors
New Horizons for Seniors Program 

Emploi et Développement Social Canada | Employment and Social Development Canada 

Les organismes qui souhaitent aider les aînés à avoir une influence positive sur la vie des autres et sur leur collectivité sont admissibles à des subventions et des contributions fédérales. Ils doivent proposer des projets dirigés ou inspirés par des aînés.

Organizations that want to help seniors make a difference in the lives of others, and in their communities, are eligible to receive federal grants and contributions funding. Projects must be led or inspired by seniors.

Arts-Informed Evaluation: A Creative Approach to Assessing Community Arts Practices

Arts For Children and Youth | Julie Frost, Leah Burns

Wondering how to make creativity a meaningful part of your program evaluation? Designed for community arts, this handbook aims to help participants "explore and articulate their ways that are relevant to them and accessible to others." It includes background information on community arts practices and approaches to evaluation; explores the concept, influences, and motivations of arts-informed evaluation, and how to carry it out. It also features examples of arts-informed evaluation activities and resources.

Comment présenter une demande de subvention

Preparing a Grant Application

Conseil des arts du Canada | Canada Council for the Arts

Un guide d'introduction et de trucs et astuces pour préparer une demande de financement auprès du Conseil des Arts du Canada.

A basic introduction and tips for preparing a grant application to the Canada Council.

Financial Responsibilities for Not-For-Profit Boards

Muttart Foundation & Alberta Culture and Community Spirit

Financial Responsibilities of Not-for-Profit Boards is a self-guided workbook written for the policy governing board member who has little or no financial background. Permission is given to any not-for-profit organization to photocopy any or all of this workbook for use within their organization, provided credit is given to the source.

Developing HR Policies

Community Foundations of Canada | HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector

A guide to understanding, developing, and updating HR policies. Created for small nonprofit organizations. Includes background information on policies and procedures, and concrete steps to follow for creating new policy.
TELUS Community Board Butterfly

TELUS Comité D'investissement Communautaire
TELUS Community Board

TELUS compte 11 comités d’investissement communautaire au Canada et 3 à l’étranger. Ces comités, qui financent des organisations locales dans les grandes villes où TELUS exerce ses activités, sont situés à Victoria, Vancouver, Thompson Okanagan, Edmonton, Calgary, Région du Grand Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, Rimouski Québec et dans les provinces de l’Atlantique.

There are 11 Canadian TELUS Community Boards and three International Boards that provide funding to local grassroots organizations in major centres where TELUS operates. Community Boards are located in Victoria, Vancouver, Thompson Okanagan, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Rimouski, Quebec City, Atlantic Canada.
Listings compiled by Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer. Check out the Resource Portal for more listings, and please send any suggestions or corrections to

Compilation effectuée par Skye Louis, développeuse de la section « Ressources ». Consultez le site Internet pour plus de ressources et n’hésitez pas à envoyer vos suggestions ou vos corrections à
Visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal / Accéder au portail de ressources

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