April showers bring May flowers! What do May flowers bring? ;)
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April showers bring May flowers.

What do May flowers bring? ;)


April is always a toughie because there are lots of rain showers - which usually bring on painful, swollen joints. Oh the rain, without it we wouldn't have so much . . . but can't we catch a little break??

All of that rain is much needed for our beautiful May flowers to bloom. May is a beautiful month, both is color and in temperature, and it serves as the perfect month for you to focus on growing yourself. Just like blooming flowers, we also need certain food to 'grow'!

Well, of course we're all unique individuals, therefore what will help us grow will vary greatly from one person to another. So how can we figure out what 'food' we need to feed ourselves to promote growth?

"Given half a chance, the body will heal itself by itself."
- Jonathan Rosenthal

You may have heard me quote this before - I'm obsessed with this saying. Our bodies are ah-mazzzz-inngggg! Seriously people, given half a chance, our bodies can heal themselves. With our busy go-go-go lives, we lose the connection to ourselves that we need so desperately. Therefore, we begin to miss simple cues our body is giving us.
A great comparison to think about is your car!

Think about the dashboard. Whenever something is wrong, the dashboard usually alerts us with a lit icon! We've all been taught never to ignore the 'check engine light', right?
Whenever you get a headache or a rash or a stomach ache, that's your body alerting you something is wrong! Inflammation is your body's response to an invader and will set off a chain reaction to alert your body it needs help fighting off the invader. Think of any symptom your body throws your way just like the little lit icons on your dashboard.
When your low on gas, you'd never ignore the gas light would you? Don't ignore the signs your body is giving you either!
Earlier this week, I wrote a post exploring the cause of my anxiety attack I had a few weeks ago. Being able to decode what your body is telling you is a critical skill we all must work on. Whenever we're able to read the signs our body is giving us, then we're able to figure out the right 'food' we need to feed ourselves.
And remember, there are 2 different types of food! Primary food and secondary food!!
(In case you've forgotten - primary foods are things like spirituality, career, relationships, ect and secondary foods are things like pizza, soup, salad, fruit. We need BOTH types of food to have a balanced life!)
This month, I challenge you to focus on figuring out what YOU need to grow. A great exercise to do this is to complete a Circle of Life exercise. Make yourself a priority and take a few minutes this month to complete this exercise. It can really be eye opening! (Look for this exercise on my blog this coming #MiracleMonday!)

Another way is to explore the inner workings of you through journaling! Do you have a journal? If so - great! If not, go buy one today! Expressing yourself through writing can open up emotions that you didn't even know were buried deep inside of you.
Whatever you need to grow, remember you're not alone!

Get your whole support system on your side to help you on your journey. And if you need help, I'm always here for you! Reach out to me! I'm always willing to help guide you on your health journey.
Enjoy the month and really take the time to open yourself up to growing. Be like the beautiful flowers growing right outside your window this month.
Remember: With the proper food, love and support - 
anything, or one, can grow!

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
Read Later
Have you ever wanted to work with a health coach, but haven't been able to take the plunge?
Do you feel alone on your health journey and would love some community support?

Group coaching is a fun and effective way for you to get the benefits of working with a health coach, but not feel the pressure of having to work one on one. Group coaching provides a setting where connections and community are just as important as the information you gain from the health coach. You will learn how to apply tools and strategies from people facing the same or similar challenges, all while creating a supportive environment to encourage each other to keep progressing!

I'm seeking individuals with health conditions and health concerns who would like to begin a three-month group health coaching program. 
"During this program, I will take a group of chronically fabulous patients through a condensed version of my six month, one-on-one, program," Julie explained. "Upon graduating from the program, participants will have the option to continue their education and progress in a community setting as we plan opportunities for ongoing informal support through a coaching circle."

To establish a successful program, the sessions require a minimum of six people to start. If you have interest -- no matter whether you would like to start now or later in the year -- call AVANI at 724-941-7400 or email Julie, at These sessions will be created based purely on client interest, so even if you are undecided or have questions, please call for more information.

Not in the Pittsburgh area, but still interested in group coaching?

I'm currently exploring a virtual option to this program as well. Just like the in person group coaching, the sessions will be created based on client interest. So if you're interested- please reach out to me today!
This month Pittsburgh is having a march against Monsanto. In prep for it, be sure to sign up and come out to my GMO class at Avani Institute in McMurray, PA!
What are GMO's and
Are They Harming Our Children's Health? 
Two different sessions will be offered:
Wednesday, May 20th - 12 - 2pm 
Wednesday, May 20th - 6:30 - 8:30pm

Do you or your child suffer from food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities? Are you aware that the explosion of this health epidemic may be linked to “healthy” foods we’re eating everyday? Join certified holistic health coach Julie Cerrone and explore this hidden food secret that needs to be exposed! Did you know…

* GMO soy may play a part in your child’s peanut allergy?
* Food-related allergies are now twice as common as was once thought, with 1 in 12 American children possibly affected.
* It's estimated that close to 75 percent of products on grocery store shelves now contain at least one genetically modified ingredient.
* No one has studied the long term health implications of children consuming genetically modified foods

Certified holistic health coach Julie Cerrone will discuss GMOs (genetically modified organisms), as well food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities. Two sessions of this talk will be offered. The first one is scheduled for Monday, April 27 from 12-2pm and the second will be conducted on Wednesday, April 29 from 6:30-8:30pm.

Please call or visit their website to register.
Avani Institute 3055 Washington Rd, Suite 203 McMurray PA 15317 724.941.7400 | |

It's that time again! Time for the International Foundation for Autoimmune Arthritis' World Autoimmune Arthritis Day May 15-21st!!!
Last year, I had the privilege of holding a chat about positivity and helped behind the scenes with the online conference. This year, I'm kicking off the first day with a presentation on how dietary and lifestyle changes can help you manage your symptoms. I'm SO SO SO excited!
Make sure to sign up for the conference and attend as many sessions as you can. Take this amazing opportunity to learn from some knowledgeable and amazing speakers and presenters and to connect with other autoimmune arthritis patients.
I love being a part of this amazing event and am counting down the days until it starts!
Don't forget about's Patient Chats that happen every other Friday at 1PM EST. Last week's chat featured the folks from @flipTheClinic and we had an AWESOME discussion. Don't miss the rest of this month's chats!

May 15 1:00- 2:00 PM EST
Empowered #PatientChat with guest Richard Kreis (@kreisr1)

We’ll be discussing appointment scheduling and reminder challenges with a focus on special needs, such as hearing impairment. Richard Kris is a member of the Intake.Me Patient Advisory Board and a frequent Empowered #PatientChat contributor.

May 29 @ 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Why are patient stories important? #patientchat

Why are patient stories important? How can you share yours Key points of your story to share? Who to share your story with? Why some people don’t listen? What are some considerations and cautions in sharing your health story?
When I found out about this new product I started FREAKING OUT just a little bit.
If you know me at all, you'll know I'm obsessed with doTerra's Deep Blue product. And guess what! They came with a new product that seriously seems like they were targeting #spoonie community.
Introducing the new Deep Blue Polyphenols Complex. (click here for the product deets!) Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex delivers polyphenol extracts of frankincense, turmeric, green tea, ginger, pomegranate, and grape seed, and is designed to provide soothing support to aching muscles and to other occasional discomfort. Take as needed when discomfort presents itself, or take it every day for long-lasting benefits.
Look for a post this month on why I think this product is going to be SO beneficial!!

Want to order? Head over to my Doterra store page.
Technically not in May, but I will be hosting a Doterra Digestive Class within the next month! There are many different oils that can help tame our digestion. Come learn about them and which may be the best option for you.
 When: Wednesday June 5th, 2015 at 7pm
Where: Essential Wellness Collaborative Class Suite 207 1720 Washington Road, Pgh 15241
I've collected many Spoonie tips & tricks during the month of January, but I'm not done yet! The project keeps evolving and the more testimonials I receive, the better it will become! If you haven't completed the survey yet, click on the picture above or click here! If you have, then forward to a friend who hasn't.
Let's help all the Spoonies out there together!
Want to keep up with all my #Regenexx Posts! Make sure you're following my blog and reading all the latest details :)
Last year I wrote a blog post about finding the right doctor. I had every intention of writing a follow up post, but I still have that on my to do list. I'd love to solicit your advice and see what you do to find the right doctor FOR YOU? What do you look for? How do you go about doing it? Head over to this post and write it in the comments. I may include your advice in the follow up post :)
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