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April 2015 Newsletter

Sentinel Mission Director Harold Reitsema at the 4th IAA Planetary Science Conference in Frascati, Italy

The 4th IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC), sponsored by the International Academy of Astronautics, will be held April 13-17, 2015 in Frascati, Italy. This year's conference theme is "Assessing Impact Risk & Managing Response."  This conference brings together the world’s experts in all aspects of defending the world from asteroid and comet impact. 

At the PDC, our own Mission Director Dr. Harold Reitsema presented a paper highlighting some exciting new results from our analysis of how the Sentinel Space Telescope will perform. Authored by Sentinel Mission Scientist Dr. Marc Buie, this study describes the computer model of Sentinel’s intended operation, including all of the physical parameters that control our ability to detect and track Near Earth Objects (NEOs).

In our continued process of refining the performance specifications for the Sentinel Space Telescope, Dr. Buie tested several orbits to optimize Sentinel’s ability to detect potential Earth-impacting NEOs. Our model continues to verify our previous assumption that Sentinel is twice as effective at finding these NEOs from an inside-track orbit near Venus, rather than if Sentinel was orbiting the Sun near Earth. This positioning means that we will discover NEOs early, giving us additional time to plan for deflection to prevent disaster. Dr. Buie’s model incorporates the most up-to-date understanding of the numbers and orbits of NEOs based on the orbits for the NEOs already discovered.

In addition to discussion on a wide range of topics (that include Planetary Defense, Recent Progress & Plans, NEO Discovery, NEO Characterization, Mitigation Techniques & Missions, Impact Effects that Inform Warning, Mitigation & Costs, Consequence Management & Education), a hypothetical asteroid impact scenario will be presented and used as a basis for discussion. Please note that this scenario is completely speculative and does NOT describe a real potential asteroid impact (read more about the entire scenario here). This informative, fictional exercise will allow participants to simulate the anticipated decision-making process for developing deflection and civil defense responses to a hypothetical asteroid threat.

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Optimizing Sentinel's Performance Through Small Asteroid Detection  

Let’s save the Earth with Sentinel! Well, that’s what the Hollywood-style promo might say. But, this isn’t about cowboy astronauts and desperate and selfless acts by solitary heroes. Despite the romantic ideals, space travel and exploration is hard. Sentinel Mission Scientist Dr. Marc Buie gives us his perspective on how Sentinel can be optimized to find small asteroids.

Read Marc's Essay

Rusty's Asteroid Day Blog Posts

Rusty Schweickart has been an advocate for planetary defense years before most people even realized what the subject was. Now with the growing awareness through the work of the B612 Foundation and new efforts such as Asteroid Day, we wanted to recap Rusty’s most recent essays he’s written for the public to understand the issue.

Read Rusty's Posts

Interview with Grig Richters, Asteroid Day Co-Founder 

We wanted to catch up with Grig now that the Asteroid Day awareness campaign is halfway to the anniversary date, and learn about how our B612 Foundation community can get involved.

Meet Grig

Recap of Recent Events 

Movie premieres, lectures and on-stage events with the Sentinel Mission team. Miss any of them? If so, we've got all the details here.  

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Upcoming Events 

We have several really interesting events coming up in the next weeks. We hope to see you at an event in your area soon!

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