April 2015 Newsletter
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Inaugural bicycling workshop (Fruitvale BART BikeStation), April 19, 1-4PM

Kick-off volunteer mtg with WOBO! (436 14th St) April 22, 5:30 - 7PM

City Council Bike To Work Day Proclamation (City Hall) - May 5, 5:30PM-ish

Oakland's Bike To Work Day Celebrations (Frank Ogawa Plaza), May 14, 7-9 AM

 Bike to Work Day Happy Hour (Half Orange, Fruitvale BART Transit Village), May 14, 3-7 PM  

Oaklavia: Love Our Neighborhood Day (San Pablo - Ashby to Stanford), May 30, 11AM - 4PM

Women's Bicycling Skills class: April 19th, 1-4 PM (Fruitvale BART)

Artist: Tascha
Ladies, our first ever women only bicycling skills class is Sunday, April 19th. Register for our meet up at the Fruitvale BART BikeStation, 3301 E 12th Street from 1 to 4 PM.  In three hours, you'll get some important tips from a Bike East Bay League Certified Instructor and an opportunity to learn about and get a bike safety check from a Bay Area Bikes mechanic.  The session will include some verbal instruction time. But most importantly, you'll get in some road time on your bike to become familiar with the feeling of riding confidently on our urban streets. You should have basic bicycling skills under your belt.
Register now to save a spot for yourself, a lady friend, mom, or sister. For a nominal fee of $10 ($5 sliding scale), you ride away with a 5th edition Walk Oakland! map, and feel amped to join us for Bike To Work Day and Bike Month activities! 

Volunteer Orientation Meeting on April 22nd

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to jump into a few volunteer adventures with WOBO? Come by our Volunteer Orientation Meeting on Wednesday, April 22nd from 5:30 to 7 PM! We will be covering all the Bike to Work Day details as well as going over WOBO's mission, current campaigns, and numerous upcoming volunteer opportunities. Come on down and ensure you are up to speed with everything WOBO! Food and beverages will be provided and you'll get to meet some of our other awesome volunteers!

The meeting will take place at 436 14th St (@ Broadway), 2nd floor conference room.   Indoor bike parking in the basement floor.

Please RSVP or send any inquiries to



Join us at Frank Ogawa Plaza (City Hall) on Bike to Work Day as we celebrate the no pollute commute! And MORE... 

Bike to Work Day 2015 is Thursday May 14th! WOBO will be hosting the Energizer Station at Frank Ogawa Plaza from 7 to 9 AM. There will be a free pancake breakfast, a BikeShare demo, raffle/giveaways, free valet bike parking, free bicycle safety checks and tune-ups, a transportation fair, and much more! Roll by and help us make this the largest Bike to Work Day celebration yet!
Interested in chatting bikes and bicycling issues, and rolling into the plaza with your local Councilmember and Mayor? We are organizing pedalpools from every district so that you can do just that!  Rides depart from various locations on May 14th between 7 and 7:30 AM (depending on district).  Event information can be found here.

If you're more of a late riser, come wrap up Bike To Work Day with local bites and brew at The Half Orange at the Fruitvale BART Plaza, 3pm to 7pm.

Love Our Neighborhood Day, May 30th: 

For the second year, our Golden Gate/Southwest Berkeley neighborhood hosts invite you to participate in WOBO's first of three open streets event: Love Our Neighborhood Day, on Saturday, May 30th!

For those who missed last year's event, this open street event is a block party for people to experience our neighborhood in a whole new way. San Pablo Avenue will be closed to traffic and car-free from Ashby to Stanford, about a mile-long stretch, so that people can walk, bike, skate, dance, and play in the open street, your street. You won't want to miss this amazing day. We expect 8,000 people to attend the event this year.

Volunteers are the life blood of these events. If you would like to be part of this transformative event, fill out this survey.

Meet our new fellows!

Christopher Ulrich: Membership & Outreach
Christopher grew up among the farms and dairies of California's San Joaquin Valley.  He graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in City & Regional Planning in 2012 and is currently working in San Francisco with a courier group. When he isn't planning great bicycle events and drinking copious amounts of coffee, he can be found kicking the soccer ball around or adventuring on his bicycle. He can be reached at
Kate Herr: Outreach & Events
Kate is a loyal bicycle commuter with a love of brightly colored reflective stickers, garish helmets and tucked in pant legs.  She is deeply committed to the advocacy and growth of Oakland's cycling community, and promotion of safe routes and healthy lifestyles for everyone. Kate's email is
Copyright © 2015 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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