A snapshot of our 11-cheese collection, relative to a wheel of Cheddar!

In Proportion.

Distributors and retailers who sell our cheese have heard these words before: "proportional to our inventory." This comes up if someone wants to sell a lot of a cheese that we don't produce in great quantity, but what does that mean in terms of the actual cheeses in our collection?

Here's a family portrait to illustrate the point. Cabot Clothbound Cheddar makes up the majority of our inventory, so we've used it as a point of reference here. Over the course of a year, for every 35-pound wheel of Clothbound sold, we also sell: 
That's right - just one wheel of Winnimere for every wheel of Clothbound Cheddar! And while that may look like a big pile of Harbison above, the total weight for that cheese is still only 1/3 of a wheel of Cabot Clothbound. Some of these cheeses are just getting started (Kinsman Ridge) or just hitting their stride (Alpha Tolman). In many cases we're producing as much of a product as we can, with creamery production limited by total milk available.

Do you find this surprising, or as expected? Anyone who's seen our Cheddar vaults has a sense of the physical volume that this cheese comprises (especially considering its extended stay here, as a longer aged cheese), as well as the labor that goes into caring for its life here. What cheese is the benchmark in your life? 
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