News Release - The Narrative Dish
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The Narrative Dish on now at Affinity Gallery
The Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) is pleased to present
The Narrative Dish, an exhibition exploring contemporary approaches to illustrative narratives on the ceramic surface. This exhibition features six dynamic, young Canadian ceramic artists:
Elizabeth Burritt, AB; Aura Carney, BC; Jenn Demke-Lange, AB; Carole Epp, SK; Mariko Paterson, NS; and Cathy Terepocki, BC. #thenarrativedish
The six artists approach storytelling differently, yet they are all concerned with conveying personal and larger social narratives. The works border delicacy and absurdity; tensions erupt between nature and structure, childhood stories and pop culture. Nostalgia is invoked in many of the pieces, including the playful presence of 3D glasses, which can be used to explore Jenn Demke-Lange’s anaglyphic printed works.

          “I am drawn in by the blank surfaces as a means of purging and preserving all             
          that is in my head. Thoughts, ideas, storylines et al creep over said wares with
          abandon …”  - Mariko Paterson
Exhibition Dates: April 17th to May 23rd, 2015
Reception: Thursday, May 7th, 7—9 pm
Artist Talk: Thursday, May 7th, 8 pm
For more information or high resolution images please contact:
  Leslie Potter or Maia Stark, SCC Exhibitions & Education Coordinators
  Saskatchewan Craft Council Ph: 306-653-3616, ext. 25
  813 Broadway Avenue Email:
  Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B5 Website:
gratefully acknowledges the support of
Artist: Carole Epp
Artist: Jenn Demke-Lange
Artist: Elizabeth Burritt
Artist: Aura Carney
Artist: Mariko Paterson
Copyright © 2015 Saskatchewan Craft Council, All rights reserved.

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