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Sweet Dream In A Bag


May 2015

 Providing New Bedding, Caring

and Love to Children in Transition

Thank You Notes from Sweet Dream Moms:

"Thank you for everything you have done.  Me and my child appreciate everything and it is because of generosity  that my child can have a smile on her face!"  

"W.O.W (WITHOUT WORDS!)....and I'm so grateful.  What a blessing!  Thank you so much for this new bedding I am rebuilding my life for me and my 3 children after domestic violence and this new bedding & their little books are a great start to a new beginning! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Wonderful Packing Events

In the last month we have had a number of wonderful packing events.  We always have the normal "Pack & Pray" Event every 3rd Saturday(if you plan on coming to these -- please sign up or email Susie so we are ready for the proper number of volunteers)  these have been so well attended---just last week a youth group from Rising Star Missionary Baptist brought youth & adult sponsors and with all our regular packing volunteers there were over 50 people volunteering--- it was a wonderful morning!!!  There has also been two special Packing Events -- this is where we set up a packing party and the group provides at least half the needed bedding that will be packed for that day---what fun--- a wonderful ladies group (their 2nd year to do a special event) and the DTC Kiwanis sponsored Kiwanis One Day Packing Event with several Kiwanis clubs attending.  These special packing events are a great way to get people involved and with having to provide at least half the needed bedding, it gives groups the opportunity to have new bedding drives or fund raising to provide the needed funds.  It is so helpful to Sweet Dream to have these special events -- provides many more Sweet Dream Bags so we can bless more and more children!!  Give some thought to what groups you belong to and see if this summer you would like to schedule a "Special Packing Event"-- just call Susie 303-507-2098

“Volunteers don't get paid, 

not because they're worthless,

but because they're priceless.”

Possible New Opportunity

We are exploring the possibility of partnering with an agency that provides emergency shelter for under aged victims of Human Trafficking.  We hope to provide Sweet Dream Bedding Bags and comfort to these young teenagers as they heal mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Twin Sheet Sets Needed:
We are very short on twin sheet sets. Walmart has twin sheet sets for $9.96 in solid colors and BigLots have twin sheet sets for $10 in children type prints & bright solids! 

Free Office Needed:
For the past 5 years we have used our home as an office and just had a post office box at the UPS store so we had an actual address other than giving everyone our home address.  The time has come we need to OFFICE in a real space.  Since we are a 501(c)(3) charity it would be a tax write-off for anyone offering  us that small space.  We feel we have grown enough that we need an actual neutral location that we can meet with people and to have a separation from our home and our office work space.
Just give Wayne a call-303-507-1629.


April 28, Tuesday, starting at 6 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Mt. Loretto Family Housing 
3101 S. Federal Blvd, Denver, CO  80236
 (Volunteers  Needed)
April 30, Thursday, starting at Noon
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Jefferson County Head Start School
5150 Allison St, Arvada
 (Volunteers Needed)
May 7, Thursday, starting at 6:30 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Decatur Place
1155 Decatur St, Denver, CO  80204
(Volunteers Needed)
May 13, Wednesday, starting at 4:30 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Renassiance at Lowery
550 Alton Way,  Denver, CO  80230
(Volunteer spaces filled)
May 14, 2015, Thursday starting at 6 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Partners in Housing/Colorado House 
21 S. Wahsatch, Colorado Springs, CO  80903
(Volunteers Needed in Colorado Springs)
May 16, 2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 
May 21, Th May 21, Thursday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Hidden Brook
1313 Xenia St, Denver, CO 80220
 (Volunteers Needed)
May 26, Tuesday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Hope Communities Neighborhood Center
2543 California St., Denver, CO 80205
 (Volunteers Needed)
May 29, Friday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
The Gardens Apt, 4919 E. Thrill Place,  Denver, CO 80207
 (Volunteers Needed)
June 11, Thursday, starting at 5:00 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Denver Rescue Mission Tran. Housing –The Crossing
6090 Smith Road, Denver, CO  80216
(Volunteers Needed)
June 20, 2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 
July 18,  2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 
July 21, Tuesday, starting at 5:00 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Family Tree Family Services
3805 Marshall St., Wheatridge, CO  80033
(Volunteers Needed)
 Reminder:  There will be Treasure Time added as agencies get the event dates set,
so check our website and look at the CALENDAR!!! 
 If you can help with any Treasure Time Event please call Susie
 303-507-2098 or
 Check  Calendar on our Website:




Access Housing/Commerce City

Alternatives to Violence/Loveland
Angel House/Loveland
Castle Rock Women's Crisis Center/Castle Rock
Coalition for the Homeless /Ren. at Lowery
Coalition for the Homeless/ West End Flats
Coalition for the Homeless/Renaissance 88
Coalition for the Homeless/Ren. Blue Spruce
Coalition for the Homeless/ Stout Street Flats
Colo. House/Partners in Housing-Colo Springs
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
Denver Rescue Mission Star Tran. Housing
Family Tree Housing & Family Services
Family Tree Crisis Center
Fostering Hope Foundation/Colo. Springs
Gateway Women's Shelter
Greeley Transitional Housing
Hope Communities/California Street
Hope Communities/Hidden Brook
Hope Communities/Thrill
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing I
I Am Academy
Jefferson Co. Attorney/  Family Violence
Jefferson County Head Start
Mercy /Springfield Ct. Apt./Ft. Collins
Mercy/Holly Park Apartments
Mt. Loretto Family Housing
Open Door Ministries
Pasada Family Shelter/Pueblo
Pasada Rio Sacramento/Pueblo
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
STRIDE Transitional Housing
VOA Brandon House
VOA Bright Starts Head Start
VOA DAV Families
VOA Family Housing Program
VOA Rainbow Head Start
VOA Young Mothers
Warren Village
Warren Village First Step

As you look at this list you will realize just how much these children need your help and caring to make their lives a little more cozy and give them something to call their own!

  • Twin Sheet Sets

  • Crib Fitted Sheets

  • Baby Quilts

  • FREE office space

Sponsoring a Packing Party
Does you work, church or club want to sponsor a Packing Party and get everyone involved? Susie would love to share how to do that and can come share about Sweet Dream with the group so everyone understands and is excited about this great opportunity!  Susie:303-507-2098
Together we can
make a Difference!
"I have my very own bed!"
Copyright ©May_2015Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.     

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129
Sweet Dream In A Bag
9249 S Broadway, Littleton, CO
Littleton, CO 80129

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