Hi! Welcome to our April update. This month we met a lot of great people - researchers, scientists, hackers and inventors who’ve decided they're fed up with the status quo and want to make things better. They’re part of a global movement that's coming up with new tools and ideas for a world that's changing faster than most people realise, and every time we meet one of them we come away feeling inspired. It’s our mission to get their message out to the world. 

We started the month with The Future of Biotechnology, featuring three great speakers and a packed house. The next Future Of... event is on energy on the 28th April 2015; check out the details below. If you haven’t been to one of these yet then come check it out, they're informal, interesting and fun. We also made a trip to Sydney to deliver a talk for an event called Interchange, and were invited to take a tour of Google's offices, where for some reason we all went inexplicably Britpop. It appears the 90s are officially back in vogue... 

Over on the blog our always excellent research intern, Nicolas Gülzow, published his first article, on innovation (we think it’s a pretty good effort) and Gus did a fascinating interview with PwC's Matt Kuperholz on the topic of big data. In between Tane officially started his PhD on cancer biomarkers, and we even managed to squeeze in our first ever Future Crunch video, featuring Delta-V’s Tim Parsons on the topic of space privatisation. 

Meanwhile, the world continues to change. Smart dust (tiny machines) is now a realityRenewable energy caused CO2 emissions to stop growing in 2014, and battery storage costs are coming down far quicker than anyone predictedOld people are getting younger, and medical researchers are finally getting the immune system to target cancer cells directly. 3-D printing just took a big step upMoore's Law celebrated its 50th anniversary, and it looks like virtual and augmented reality are set to be the next big computing revolution.


A great night with three top-notch science communicators. Dr Mike Kuiper gave us the lowdown on new forms of medical imaging, followed by Prof Melissa Little showing off her team's amazing progress on growing kidneys from stem cells, and then Jeanette Pritchard's quite literally mind-blowing talk on the bionic eye. Great chats afterwards too. Big thanks to Carlton Connect for being our hosts.


One of our biggest supporters in the journey so far has been Nick Rosetto from Tasplan. So we're really pleased to be headed back to our spiritual home, Tasmania, for another event with them at the end of May. The Australian superannuation industry isn't exactly known for forward-thinking (you'd think they would be right?) so kudos to Tasplan for getting out in front. Contact Nick if you're in Tassie and interested in coming along. 


We met Avis Mulhall at Link Festival in February, and were really impressed with what she's doing at ThinkActChange. So when she asked us to come talk at #Interchange in Sydney we were happy to oblige. Suffice to say we'd never really seen anything like it before - a truly innovative way of preparing students for the world they're graduating into. Catch the reaction to our talk over here


Part of the Perceptive Power exhibition, this event takes place at 6:15pm on the 28th April at RMIT's Design Hub in Melbourne. We'll be in discussion with Phil Blythe, Alicia Wood, Josh Tzatow and Jodi Newcombe. It's designed to open both your mind and your senses. You'll leave with a much better understanding of future power systems and systems of power. Tickets are available for $10, which includes a glass of wine. 

Hope to see you at one of our gigs soon. Oh, and get in touch if you're interested in shaking things up at your event or inside your organisation! We're constantly scouring scientific journals, the internet and our networks to try and understand what's coming next, and we'd love to share it with you. All the best from us.

Future Crunch HQ

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