
May 2015

Hui Kū Maoli Ola Everywhere Else

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
F O L L O W on I N S T A G R A M

  Can't Make It Out to the Nursery? 

We offer interisland delivery!
Call us @ 808.235.6165

You can find our plants at these Home Depot locations! 
O‘ahu: Pearl City, Iwilei, Kapolei 
Big Island: Kona
Kaua‘i: Lihue
Also look for us at the 'Oahu Navy Exchange!


Reefed Up

Recently Hui Kū Maoli Ola wrapped up a restoration project out at Ahua Reef wetlands. The wetlands are a foraging ground for the Hawaiian black-necked stilt, or aeo, which is a Hawaiian waterbird that is on the federal list of endangered species. Restoration of this habitat will hopefully increase the presence of native wildlife in the area. 

After weeks of removing the invasive pickleweed, kiawe, and mangroves from the site, the planting began. In the end, our crew planted a total of 2548 plants, all native species that were once found in the area, which included ‘Ahu‘awa, ‘A‘ali‘i, Pōhinahina, Kāwelu, Aki aki, and Naio.


May's #PlantoftheMonth is Kupukupu! It's often used to decorate hula altars to symbolize a place of learning, or sprouting knowledge, since the word kupu means 'to sprout'. Plant kupukupu in either full sun or partial shade.  It works well as an accent plant or groundcover. Daily watering is fine if in well drained soil. Avoid letting it sit in standing water, as this leads to defoliation and death. 


Meet the Hui Kū Crew

One of two Ryans working at Hui Kū Maoli Ola.  'RyRy' is the Office Assistant and his favorite plant is the ‘Ōhi‘a lehua.  According to Hawaiian legend, picking the  lehua flower will cause it to rain on the same day, for the flower and tree are human lovers transformed by the gods. “For a school project, I had to paint a ‘Ōhi‘a lehua. The paint ran, but I still got a passing grade.” One of the things he’s learned about this plant since working here: “it doesn’t always come in red”. The flower can also be yellow, orange, or white.


When you water plants, does it take a long time for the water to soak the ground? If so, then you have poor drainage. Many plants, native and non-native, require good drainage. If your property does not provide good drainage, a solution is to plant them on a mound or on a slope to increase the soil's draining capabilities. Here's an example of plants that would typically require good drainage planted on a slope that has clay-like soil. You can easily see how well they are thriving. 


Landscaping Services


Call us @ 808.235.6165 for an estimate!
Culturally Designed Hawaiian Gardens
Environmentally Conscious Ecoscapes
Erosion Control & Hydroseeding
Land Clearing
Tree Trimming
Rain Gardens
Win the #PlantoftheMonth by sharing your native Hawaiian plant pics! To enter tag @huikumaoliola or #huikumaoliola 
with a picture of yourself (and/or friends) with a native Hawaiian plant(s) on Instagram or Twitter. Two lucky winners will each get one #PlantoftheMonth and their pictures featured! So get out there and be creative in your yard, a park, or on a trail! 

Upcoming Events & Announcments

Mothers & Others Benefit Brunch
Saturday, May 9, 2015, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m
@ Key Project
Come celebrate Mother's day with us at Key Project's Mothers & Others Benefit Brunch on May 9th! We'll be selling plants that make perfect Mother's Day gifts. Give your mom the gift of a native plant! For tickets and details, call 808.239.5777 or visit their website

Spring Plant Sale

Saturday, May 16, 2015, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m
@ Foster Botanical Garden
50 N Vineyard Blvd, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Going to be spreading more May flowers at the Spring Plant Sale taking place in the oldest of all the Honolulu Botanical Gardens. 
We will be closed on Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day. We will re-open on the 26 for our regular business hours. Have a wonderful holiday everyone! 
Copyright ©2015 Hui Kū Maoli Ola, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
46-403 Haikū Road
ohe, Hawaii 96744
Contractor # C-31072

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