Aloha Friend!
The link above goes to a nice video of a brief history of how the Bible has been passed on through the years via people talking, parchments, papyrus, paper, printing presses, audio and video recordings, and now various electronic media. What is missing in that bit of history is that for most of the time the Bible has existed, there was no such thing as a copyright. There was just the command in the Bible that kings must make their own copy of the Law (i.e. the first 5 books of the Holy Bible), and read from it every day of his life. See Deuteronomy 17:18-20. That is kind of the opposite of a copyright: a command to copy rather than a restriction on copying.
Anyway, I need prayer for wisdom and favor in getting permission to distribute more Bibles in more languages. Not everyone thinks like me, and not everyone thinks that giving away Bibles freely in electronic formats for free, with no legal or technical restraints other than preserving the integrity of God's Word is a good thing. Some people worry about money too much. I understand that, of course, but my fear of God is much bigger than my fear of running out of money, so I trust God to provide. Believe it or not, He does. He often uses some really nice people to help us in the process. Others, though, need to break free of the old publishing house mentality of Bible societies and Bible translation organizations, and be more liberal in their licensing. Please pray that God would soften their hearts to do so, joining those who have already chosen ministry over money. Please also pray that God would provide abundantly for the true needs of those Bible societies and Bible translation organizations who permit the Bibles they worked on to be freely distributed. (See 2 Corinthians 2:17.)
Please pray for wisdom and favor, and that God Himself would intervene in freeing up His Word in more languages for wider distribution. May all of those translations that really are faithful translations of His Word be freely available!