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In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world. John 16:33.

“It’s not supposed to be like this.” That’s what I protested sadly to my husband one night when we were driving alone after a much needed date night.  Part of our conversation that night was about many friends in ministry who were all dealing with various trials – the sale (or lack thereof) of their home, a lingering illness, financial burdens, the burial of an infant son, a challenging year in the ministry, an imminent move that was yielding more stress than anticipated.  Our hearts ached for them.  Our minds and mouths were filled with prayers that God would ease their suffering.

It’s not supposed to be like this! How can ministry be a joy when the ministers of the gospel are dealing with many trials and much turmoil? Thankfully God used my husband that evening to point me to God’s truth. Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble.”  Ah, there it is! Trouble.  God tells us we will have pain, sorrow and death; trouble in relationships and with finances; conflicts in the home, in the workplace and with those serve.

At times we think we should be immune from challenges because we do ministry work.  Have you ever felt that way? Let me tell you something that you already know—ministry work is not always easy.  That should not be a surprise to us. We are sinners surrounded by sinners every day, living in a sinful world.  It’s no wonder we have trouble!  The devil uses these trials in our lives to bring us down and raise our anger towards God. The devil, in all his cunning ways, tells lies and creates doubt in our minds just like he did with Eve in the garden.  The sad thing is that sometimes we listen to the devil, just as Eve did.  We may blame God, our husband, or our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  We may complain about our situation and disguise it as venting.  All this blaming and complaining can turn our once joyful service into nothing more than begrudged duty.

But do not despair, fellow sisters in Christ! Jesus comforts us when he continues in John 16:33: “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  When trouble and trial come into your life and sins of doubt and despair grieve you, go to the foot of the cross and confess your sins. Let God lead you closer to him. We can rest assured our sins are forgiven and washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. We can trust that Jesus has already rescued us from our greatest trouble, the trouble of sin.

We will not always have happiness in our lives, but there is always one thing that will hold true—we still have joy!  We can recall Nehemiah’s words, “The joy of the Lord is my strength!” (8:10) Each time a baby is brought to the baptismal font, each time we share in the body and blood of Christ with our brothers and sisters in faith, each time we have an opportunity to witness for Christ, each morning we wake up with a new day before us—these are all times we still rejoice!  Thank the Lord: Jesus has overcome the world for us!  We have a sure hope of heaven!


Ask the Lord

When my heart is troubled, calm it, dear Jesus.  When my worries overcome my mind, replace them with trust, dear Lord. When my life is filled with sorrow and trial, draw me to you, dear Savior! Thank you for your saving work, O Christ! Amen.

For further reading: Romans 15, Psalm 23

By Paula Sulzle

St. John's, Redwood Falls, MN

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Upcoming Renewal in South Dakota!

From Trials to Triumphs
September 24-26, 2015
Hospitality Ranch for WELS/ELS Called Workers
in Nemo, South Dakota

More information and registration coming soon!
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Save the Date!

Health Kick
November 6-7, 2015
The Hood River Hotel
Hood River, OR

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PWR's "1 John" shirt has joined others on a new site:
Sheep Shirts

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