
Local Nepalis respond to earthquake.

Soon after we learned about the earthquake in Nepal, Mennonite Mission Network received word from one of our local partners that they were already delivering emergency assistance.
 Mennonite Mission Network’s vision that “people of all cultures are transformed by Jesus Christ” requires that we work closely with partners in each local context. We work in many different ways depending on the local situation, and in this case, one of our partners is the Christian organization, Rescue Network Nepal. In 2014, we were able to help fund this organization as it was expanding its reach, and 10 days ago when the earthquake struck, this Nepali led and staffed organization was immediately active.
The primary purpose of Rescue Network Nepal (RNN) is to train local villagers in remote areas of the country to give emergency aid in case of home, farm and traffic accidents. No one knew that this newly built network would be mobilized, and that every person they trained last year is desperately needed in the current disaster response.
We received an almost immediate post-earthquake message from the RNN director, Mr. Jaya Thapa: “Please pray for funds and resources to continue our rescue mission.” In addition to giving first aid to injured neighbors, they are also distributing much-needed food, clothing, and protection from the elements (tarps and tents) during the first weeks of emergency response. Shelter is especially important in preparation for the monsoon season that will come in June. 
Mission Network has determined that any money we receive in response to the disaster in Nepal will be channeled to RNN. Knowing their good work and strategic placement, we want to encourage support for their response to this disaster. Our support will also prepare them for future disasters.
Our workers on the ground in Nepal are safe and their homes and businesses are intact. They are working with their local community on long-range recovery efforts.
Please click here, [Nepal Donations], to donate online, or send your check to Mennonite Mission Network, PO Box 370, Elkhart, IN 46515-0370; Memo: Nepal Relief.
For more information and photos, read our brief account at [Network News].
Thank you.
Stanley W. Green
Executive Director
Copyright © 2015 Mennonite Mission Network, All rights reserved.

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