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Permaculture SA - News and Events

Hi All,

Please excuse the peculiar stain at the head of this newsletter.  We are hoping to engage a graphic artist soon to give us a new look, but meanwhile I'm inflicting my dubious Gimp skills on you and our web visitors.


Winter Gathering

Pedro and Kamilah will be hosting our Winter Gathering at their Myponga Permaculture Farmlet on the weekend of the 13th/14th of June. Bring you camping gear and make a weekend of it! They have good examples of swales and fruit tree guilds. There is room for up to 60 people in their shed. Some members may remember a mini-permafest there in 2008.

Apologies to anyone inconvenienced by the switch from the previous tentative plan to have the gathering the following weekend at Aldinga.

In the next newsletter, we will get you more details such as 
a programme and directions for getting there.

International Permaculture Day

Despite our concern last time that there was nothing scheduled for Permaculture Day in SA, at least three well attended happenings took place on Sunday 3rd May.

The photo is from the Fleurieu group who spent Permaculture Day taking a tour of a couple of properties owned by members, sharing knowledge & experience…..with a shared lunch, including soup & chocolate cake!!

Nadja held and event in her garden and raised $100 in donations and refreshment sales which have been sent to Permafund to support aid projects, plus nearly $200 from plant, jam and worm sales for education in Zimbabwe.

I went to Wendy's place to join the Yorke Peninsula group for a shared lunch, a garden tour and a bit of "soil speed-dating!"


Bushfire Resilience Forum Videos

If you were interested in his forum that we announced last time, but could not make it, you can see the presentations on the video made pro-bono by Environmental and Science Media.


New Community Garden in Williamstown

Raised beds and flat areas are available for immediate planting at the new Williamstown Community Garden.  Water is free, but $10 per year is needed for insurance.  

Design Jam at the Joinery
Saturday 9 May

Conservation SA are having a "Design Jam" this Saturday to "activate and beautify the interface and entryway, announcing to the outside world that The Joinery is open, that everyone is welcome and to arouse their curiosity to investigate further." They are especially keen to have people with at least a little building or handy-person skill, since it will be "an active rapid-prototype style workshop undertaking design and construction in one day."

If you are able to help, please contact Christy Spier as soon as possible, as they need to know in advance who will be coming.


Permaculture SA Membership

And now a word from our sponsors...

This newsletter is a service provided by Permculture SA for the South Australian permaculture community.  We have been around for 30 years, and organise gatherings and stalls at community events.  We also put out a journal twice a year that is posted out to members.  The Winter edition will be going out in the next few weeks.

We have recently been re-energising, with many new committee members, and a new process of refocussing on what we are about and how we do it.  We really want South Australia to have more responsible producers, and less dependent consumers!

If you want to support what we do, or get more actively involved, why not join up?  Annual fees are only $20/28/32 for concession/single/household.  You just need to send us an email and make an EFT payment, see our website for more details.

So people, what's going on?  Let us know and your up and coming thing could feature in the next Permaculture SA newsletter!  Send any clues to (or just reply to this email!)


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