Seven FREE Provenance Workshops to be held across NSW in June and July 2015!
Hear presentations by key plant geneticists and expert native seed practitioners regarding the current best understanding of provenance issues for planning and implementing ecological restoration. The workshops, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, are being organised by the ANPC in collaboration with NSW Local Land Services, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney and CSIRO. Click here for more information or contact Martin Driver, ANPC Project Manager by phone on 0400 170957 or email.
Workshop locations and dates are as follows:
Armidale - Tuesday 16 June - Armidale City Bowling Club
Lismore - Thursday 18 June - Lismore Workers Club
Coffs Harbour - Friday 19 June - Coffs Harbour Race Club (this additional workshop funded by North Coast LLS)
Orange - Monday 22 June - Orange Agricultural Institute
Yass - Wednesday 24 June - venue TBC
Wagga - Tuesday 30 June - venue TBC
Sydney - Date TBC - The Australian Botanic Garden, Mt Annan

Share your plant conservation work with others!
We are seeking articles for the June - August 2015 issue of Australasian Plant Conservation (APC), the bulletin of the Australian Network for Plant Conservation (ANPC). The issue will carry the theme of "Community projects and citizen science". Deadline for submissions is Friday 5 June 2015. Click here for more information. If you are intending to submit an article or wish to discuss possibilities, please contact the Editor, Huw Morgan, by Friday 22 May on this email.

Save the Date - National Seed Science Forum 14-16 March 2016
The Australian Network for Plant Conservation is proud to be collaborating with the Australian Seed Bank Partnership which is coordinating a National Seed Science Forum in March 2016. The Forum will be held at the Australian PlantBank and hosted by the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, and also in collaboration with the Australian Grains Genebank. The Forum will be a rare opportunity to bring together leading botanical and agricultural institutions, seed scientists, and conservation and restoration experts to share ideas that showcase the importance of seed science to the future of plant conservation and food security in Australia. An exciting programme of local and international experts is planned, speaking on seed conservation, storage, preservation and germination. More details on the National Seed Science Forum will be provided in the near future. Invited keynotes and a call for presentations will be announced soon. Please email to register for Forum announcements and visit the Forum web pages here.

Other items of interest:
Threatened Species Summit - Thursday 16 July 2015, Melbourne
This summit, hosted by the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, and chaired by the Threatened Species Commissioner, Mr Gregory Andrews, will bring together state and territory ministers, relevant business leaders, scientific and conservation management experts, non-government organisations and others active in threatened species conservation. Attendance at the summit venue will be by invitation with a live webcast so that anyone in the community can participate and interact. Click here for more information.
Native and Exotic Grass ID workshop - 22-23 May 2015, Newcastle
Grass expert Van Klaphake will be presenting this 2 day plant identification workshop on native and exotic grass species of the Greater Sydney region, including the Hunter. This hands-on workshop is suitable for bush regenerators, landcarers, botanists, plant enthusiasts, council vegetation officers or for general interest. Click here for further information and to register.
Plants: From Roots to Riches
Listen to these five fascinating episodes recently aired on Radio National's Science Show exploring our changing relationships with plants.
In the April edition of ANPC News we reported on two new Threatened Ecological Communities recently declared under the federal EPBC Act. However, there was an error in their description - corrections are in bold. They are the 'Cooks River/Castlereagh Ironbark Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion’ (critically endangered) and ‘Castlereagh Scribbly Gum and Agnes Banks Woodlands of the Sydney Basin Bioregion’ (endangered).
From the ANPC Team.