Thu, April 30
Fun Thursday: Math club is selling food this Thursday!
Pizza for $1
Desserts for $1
Drinks* $.50
Combo lunch with 2 slices, dessert & drink $3
*Bring your own reusable cup!
Mon, May 4
Study Group
Tue, May 5
Study Group
Tue, May 5
Read-a-thon award - FREE Taco lunch. Bring your own water bottle.
Thu, May 7
End-of-year Parent Survey *link included in next week’s newsletter
May 11-13
Jacquie and Danielle at Charter Leader Training - office help needed
May 11-15
“Office Hoursâ€practice week - proposed plan for providing time for students to meet with teachers out of class.
Fri, May 15
Spring Dance
Sun, May 17
New student Ice Cream Social
Mon, May 18
Smarter Balance Testing Begins
Mon, May 18
Parent input requested on School Goals - 6:30-7:30 pm
Thu, May 21
Open House - minimum day
Mon, May 25
Memorial Day - no school