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In the summer of 2014 we finished our second Bee Queen video called bee SEEK her.  Please check it out from the link below on the left.  The Bee Queen had some fun in the media with the Huffington post.

In August, I moved my Transparent Body • Energy Realignment office to the Pohala Clinic in SE Portland, Oregon. I am in the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am also available for Hospital Visits and Long Distant Sessions all other days. I have 26 years of experience helping people realign their bodies electrical system. From unresolved injury trauma, post and pre surgery care, HIV support, open heart surgery care, fractures, headaches, sinus infections, teeth pain, immune support, Cancer support, Lyme’s disease, Crohn’s disease and many other health concerns.  Please come see me. I am at your service.

          bee SEEK her

Thank you to Theodore Holdt, Jaime Lee Christiana, Jacob Mooney, Seven Root, Carmen Resendez, Jessica Glenn, Tallulah Mae Bleu, Amber Sparks, Eric Wallace, Seth Nehil, Michael Burgett, Holly Wilmeth, Kenneth R Webster, Theo Jones, and Elodie Massa Allen.
Come see me at Pohala Clinic in SE Portland for a session.  To make an appointment you can reach me at
                                        Transparent Body Notes
                                    JOY IS NOT A REWARD BUT AN NECESSITY

In the last few months there are more people going through huge transitions then ever before coming to see me.  We, as a hive seemingly are pulling strings of wax and holding fast in creating our new identity. The permission to navigate self worth, relationships, pain, love and life in challenging jobs and unemployment has been showing up. I have been focusing on helping people to renew the layers of information that create the bodies we walk around in. Many have found my sessions helpful for relieving stress and physical pain during this time of intensity.  Since the time of hibernation I have been thinking, how can we embrace PLAY and JOY as a way to move though transitions or to gain a new perspective.   Let's try this.

     What gives you PLEASURE?  What makes you feel ALIVE?                                                 What brings you JOY?

Close your eyes --right now! Think about it...Just start with acknowledging one thing.  If it helps write or make a list, somehow fully embody it, think about it in traffic, on the bus, cultivate it. Then figure out how to incorporate it into your life so you can be self supported by JOY weekly. 

What is a simple thing you can do for yourself to keep you feeling balanced?

For me dance is what serves and saves me when I need to transform my angst, or my feelings of overwhelm, into a place where I can receive joy.  I dance until images appear and give me clarity, until my translucent body soaks liquid light into it, fills me and lets me know that all will be fine, here is a road, here is an arrow floating compass wise in front of you. Follow the arrow, follow......

While writing this I took a break and I asked Face Book.   What gives you JOY? and I got some very wonderful answers, gardening, family, friends, dancing, feasting, creating something, breaking patterns, all good things. One quote I loved was......

"....just living is labor. so... to answer the question, in this moment, it's bringing me joy to remember that there are things that bring me joy........ thank you" 

So maybe just thinking, remembering or fantasizing of joy can help us feel supported on our continual path as it changes every step we take. We are not alone.  So start today, look at your list or remember your thoughts to access JOY from the simplest of actions to better your future.
Merging Honey Bees into the Transparent Body

In the summer of 2015 I am planning to merge bee dancing into my healing work.  I am currently looking for groups to focus this work with.  I have thought about working with cancer survivor groups and personal growth groups. If you have any ideas please email me at

I am also starting to collect a list of individuals to create a group based on many different body issues.  If your interested in being on the list please let me know ASAP ( 20 people max per dance). The idea is to get a chance to work with each individual before hand and then again in a group setting with the fabulous lady bees.  The cost for this session is still unfolding.

I am looking for places to hold these events near Portland, preferably with lots of flowers, parking and a wide open space. I would LOVE to find a private Labyrinth to hold one of these sessions.

If you would like to invite me and my assistants to come to you in another place or state we would be happy to set that up. There are many ways to incorporate a bee dance from ritual to performance to healing to feasting..... so if ya got a bee in your bonnet, give me a buzzzzzzzzz.

                             Dates, Locations and Prices to be announced
TESTIMONIAL:    Every morning for months now my body has been jolted awake due to pain caused by numbness in my arms and hands.  It sometimes can take all day to regain full use of them.  After today's session with Sara, they are tingling with a new sensation.  I went out and gardened all morning, they feel great!      Gina Tombleson, Lover and Listener of the Land, Farmer.
     Our Bee Transparent Guest is Bee Lover, Jacqueline Freeman.

I want to introduce Jacqueline's new book, The Song Of Increase which is just out and ready to be swarmed up and loved. I was fortunate to take part in one of Jacqueline's bee workshops and share the stage with her at the Queen of the Sun Movie Premier.  We both partook in the film, Queen of the Sun, directed by Taggart Siegel which is easily found on Netflixs.  This film is full of information and shows how many different people interact with the bee nation. Jacqueline is a lovely person and great teacher, if you have the chance to learn from her, take it.  You can visit her at to read more about her, buy her new book and sign up for her work shops at Friendly Haven Rise Farm in Washington State.

In her own words Jacqueline says "For the past decade my life has been all about bees. I teach monthly classes, show people how to gather and re-home swarms in spring, help friends get started with bees, and I speak around the country at bee, nature and agricultural conferences. My bee work has taken me all the way to Dominican Republic where I worked with rural beekeepers. I am immersed in the world of bees."  In the workshops she teaches, you will learn that " the bee family is quite exceptional. Even though each bee is an individual, the colony itself is an interconnected super-organism, a unique complex living being made of all the bees together. You’ll learn what the big and small roles of each bee are and how they all contribute to smooth functioning within the hive.  These information-filled classes will help you understand the progression of roles each bee plays within the hive from the moment they are born to the last flight in from the flower fields." 

Here are a couple of sweet reviews:

I Adore “The Song of Increase”
Debra Roberts, North Carolina   Dec. 17, 2014
I am a beekeeper and a bee educator, speaker, and advocate. I have been talking about the sacred path of bee for sometime and also been following the wonderful work and ways of Jacqueline Freeman for a good while. I have looked forward to her publishing this book, The Song of Increase, for sometime and my first response to finally reading it is: Woooooooooow! This book is fabulous, moving, divinely timed, elegant, eloquent, honest, compassionate … and so completely full of love. It is a jewel. I am absorbed by everything … the title of the book, the chapter titles, Susan’s lovely Foreword, the introductions and then the chapters themselves which are a treasure trove of Jacqueline’s writing and the bees’ messages.
I am having a total can’t-put-the-book-down / don’t-want-it-ever-to-end experience. This is true holy-bee-communion and I am resonant with every nano-speck of everything she so elegantly shares with us. In my opinion it is one of the great bee books of our times. It speaks to Relationship with a capital “R” with this Sacred Other that is so precious – the sweet honeybee. This book is real honey. Blessed be. Blessed bees. Blessed Jacqueline.

This is a “CAN’T PUT DOWN” book!

Hamsa O’Doherty, New Lebanon, NY    December 24, 2014
One of my Yule gift offerings to our home this year is this book. It just arrived yesterday and my husband and I are both absolutely loving it. It’s just exquisite! I started by just randomly opening the book and did this several times. No matter where I opened it I was captivated by whatever I happened to turn to…and….forced myself to stop so as to both move on to another random peek, as well as to not spoil it entirely when I read from cover to cover. What a wonderful “voice” this book has. Thanks to Jacqueline Freeman for writing it. I have been called to walk the bee servant path and this book is going to be a wonderful inspiration in that regard. Now I am reading it cover to cover steadily, and have a really hard time putting it down to do anything else!

Please gift yourself a copy at and join the hive mind.


It's a great time for you to get out your shovels and start dreaming and planting an ORGANIC  flower bed and/or garden to create food for the bees. Here is a link with a great list of plants that will help the bees be happy healthy bees.
Transparent Body
Transparent Body
Bee Queen
Bee Queen
Thanks to Theodore Holdt for helping me to edit, Holly Wilmeth for the amazing bee dance photos, Jacqueline Freeman, Seven Root and Gina Tombleson for being part of this months Bee Transparent Notebook.
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