A LOT LIKE YOU now Available on iTunes.
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Breaking radio silences to share some big news:~
A LOT LIKE YOU is now Available on iTunes!!

Finally, an easy way for us all to share A Lot Like You with friends and family!  We're so excited for be launching on iTunes, and look forward to releasing our film on additional digital platforms in the coming months.

If you love our film, please consider Rating/Reviewing it on our iTunes page. 
 Your rating will boost our profile, helping more people find our film!  We thank you in advance for your kind consideration...

- A Lot Like You continues to screen at festivals and museums across the US and around the world (including Germany, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Korea,  Barbados and Canada) -- winning SIX BEST DOCUMENTARY Awards along the way.

- Thanks to our partnership with Samara Lectures, I've delivered keynotes and facilitated workshops at over 80 conferences & campuses on topics related to the film, including:  
  • Exploring Intersecting Identities with Story
  • Writing with Voice
  • Documentary Ethics
  • Mixed Race Experiences on Screen
Will share more about these workshops and our long-term engagement plans in an upcoming newsletter...

- Our film has been racking up some wonderful press.  Here's a sampling of soundbites and a collection of articles & reviews

The world needs more films like this...
because if you can see a person
from the other side of the world,
who lives in such different circumstances,
with such unfamiliar problems,
you can see yourself in them,
then suddenly that distance between
you and them becomes nothing.

That is what will bring us together as
a global community and inspire people to act.

–Eric Roache
Art With Impact
Post-screening Q&A with Dad at Dongduk University (Seoul)
In the Summer of 2013, our family went to South Korea.  For my father, brother, husband, daughter, and myself, it was our first time ever.  While in Seoul, I was invited to screen A LOT LIKE YOU at Dongduk Women's University--and was delighted to have my parents join me for the post-screening discussion.

Upon returning, my daughter Lucia and I were invited to share our reflections of what being Korean American means to both of us.  The results can be seen/heard in the Bojagi: Unwrapping Korean American Identities Exhibit at the Wing Luke Museum in Seattle (on display through Nov 2015.)
Available on iTunes
Buy Educational DVD
Buy Home Use DVD
Buy the Soundtrack

Eli Kimaro’s lecture was among the most inspiring and meaningful lectures I’ve attended all year.

Through her words, Eli is able to encompass themes of race, gender, and cultural identity, self-exploration and fulfillment, in a way that is genuine and universally accessible.  

Eli’s story is one that inspires me to explore and embrace my own complexities, and I will never forget her words.

-Jacinta Lomba
Brown University
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