

The rife occult symbolism that Freemasonry is steeped in is quite dangerous! So are the teachings and initiation ceremonies that this "secret" fraternal organization - the Masonic Lodge - is steeped in. So too, the relatively small 'Mother of all Cults' - The Theosophical Society (Theosophy) - is also steeped in occult beliefs and practices. And then there is plain old Sorcery and Witchcraft - packaged for children and played off to the undiscerning masses.

I am writing to inform you that God has lovingly warned us in His Word not to get involved with things like these? The following audio is from one of our SRN Biblical Discernment Seminars. For anyone who is involved with the Masonic Lodge, Theosophy, Yoga, Meditation, or Witchcraft, this message is a heartfelt warning - before it is too late!


New Podcast: The Dangers of Freemasonry, Theosophy and Teenage Occult Entertainment

A scary testimony and a heartfelt warning! Description:
This audio includes a brief overview of the Origins and Key Beliefs of the historic Christian faith versus the dangers of glamorized modern occult entertainment and occult belief systems such as Freemasonry (The Masonic Lodge) and Theosophy (The Theosophical Society).

Audio message - Introduction
- Various dangers of modern-day occult entertainment. Illustration of World of Warcraft, and MTV’s ‘Teen Witchcraft’ (at end of audio).
- Origins and Key Beliefs of the historic Christian faith.
- Personal testimony and deliverance from a dangerous drug induced occult experience.

Minute 23:25 - Freemasonry (The Masonic Lodge)
- A heartfelt warning to all who are involved in the Masonic Lodge and Freemasonry’s various organizations.
- Testimony of a visitation to the world famous dangerous "occult hotspot" Rosslyn Chapel in Edinburgh, Scotland.
- The danger of “Secretism” that characterizes many Gnostic ande esoteric mystery cults and “secret” societies.
- Alleged “ancient mystery” techniques such as The Moses Code, The Law of Attraction and Positive Confession.
- The dangers of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC’s) and the manipulation of the “alpha state” of consciousness.
- Mention of several Masonic and Occult Symbols.
  • Scriptures: Deuteronomy 18; John 19:19-20; Luke 17:18-20; Eph. 5:8-11
Minute 34:05 - Theosophy (The Theosophical Society)
- Origins and Key Beliefs of Theosophy.
- Indian yogi’s, roots of belief, and Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
- Monism, reincarnation, yoga, evolution of consciousness, psychic powers and spirit communication.
- The "Great White Brotherhood” (demonic entities/spirits) masquerading as “Ascended Masters” and “Angels of Light.”
- Various spiritual “Masters” posing as enlightened ones.
- The deceptions of Christ-consciousness, Self-divinity, the “I AM” movement, and claims of being “anointed ones.”
- The danger of Yoga and Meditation as occult tools that induce psychic and paranormal activity and aggressive hauntings.
- Mention of Alice Bailey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Theosophical and Spiritistic influences.
  • Scriptures: 1 Tim.4:1-2; Deut. 18; John 16:2; 2 Chron. 7:14; 2 Tim. 3:13
Minute 45:13 - Teen Witchcraft and “Christian Wicca”
- Teen Witchcraft on MTV and Wicca for teenagers!
- Confused Christian children and “Christian” Wicca.
- E-mail letter from a Christian teenager (“witchgirl56”, July 23, 2008, 10:31AM) quoted in the article titled, ‘Far From Devil Worship and Harry Potter Young Witches Explain What They Are Really All About’.
  • Scriptures: 2 Tim. 3:13

Please pass this on to all who you think may benefit from it! The Lord is Good and His Word will not return void!

Chris Lawson, Director
Spiritual Research Network
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