The Mobility Authority is teaming up with Metropia to improve your commute experience through the use of mobile technology. The official launch of the app-based traffic solution was announced recently at a transportation forum co-hosted by the Mobility Authority.
Watch this video to learn more.

The smartphone app offers accurate traffic predictions that help users determine the best routes for their commutes. Metropia makes use of existing roadway capacity by directing drivers to less crowded roads and freeways, which in turn eases congestion throughout the city.
The Mobility Authority is a Metropia supporting partner. The MoPac Improvement Project will benefit as it constructs Express Lanes on north MoPac between Lady Bird Lake and Parmer Lane.
“Mobility solutions are about more than just building new roads; it’s also envisioning the future of mobility through innovative technology,” said Mike Heiligenstein, executive director of the Mobility Authority. “This technology is part of a federally-funded pilot program that will help motorists navigate MoPac when there are construction-related lane closures. The results of the Mobility Authority’s partnership with Metropia will be a model for transportation entities across the country to follow.”
Metropia has been beta testing in Austin since September 2014 with more than 500 drivers and has found that users who plan their commute more than 15 minutes in advance save travel time on 73 percent of their trips.

In addition to savings in travel times, Metropia incentivizes smarter commuting habits through a points system. Points earned for planning trips in advance, driving during off-peak periods and using less congested routes can be exchanged for rewards like gift cards, discounts, free downloads and donations to local charities and programs. And the benefits don’t end there. Each user can also track their CO2 emissions, time saved and their driving score within the app's dashboard.