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Strata Information

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This fortnight the media seems to be overflowing with talk about the size of apartments. LookUpStrata has always been an advocate for "small=good" - as long as thought has been put into the design of the space. A great example would be the 420 square foot apartment owned by Graham Hill, founder of

However, when very small apartments are built with little thought to how people use the space - as discussed in this article by The Fifth Estate: Life in a windowless box - does this result in 'vertical slums'? We link to a few other articles about this matter in the Latest News section below. Please reply with your thoughts. 

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Strata Proxies

NSW: Proxies – Uses and Misuses

David Bannerman and Matthew Jenkins, Bannermans Lawyers
For strata schemes and their managing agents, strata proxies can be a useful but hazardous tool. Some schemes have difficulty with quorum requirements and would have trouble getting anything done without proxies, while others find them problematic.

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Buying and selling apartments

QLD: The Body Corporate and Buying and Selling Units

Lisa Rutland,
This article gives you an overview of when and why you might need to contact the body corporate when you are buying and selling a strata titled lot.
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Apartment living popular

NSW: The higher you build, the greater the fall

Edwin Almeida, Just Think Real Estate
Will these apartment developments topple (not in the literal sense but in an economic one) as they did in the past? And how many developers, tradespeople and builders will go broke this time around as a result of them being built?

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Community title

NSW: What is a Community Title Scheme?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
More and more new housing estates are set up as community title schemes, precinct or neighbourhood associations. The large developments in Sydney’s outer suburbs spring to mind.

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Site Sponsorship

Welcome back Wizard Facility Management, returning as our FactSheet: Maintenance and Common Property Sponsor.

Check out their great banner here
Wizard Facility Management have continued this sponsorship due to the great response they received from their first 3 month campaign.

We still have plenty of sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact me to become involved.

Breaking News


Our latest Tweets & Facebook posts:

Flammable Alucobest cladding discovered in new apartment projects

Hello airbnb guests… goodbye insurance cover?

NSW:  No Increase in the Size of NSW Apartments

Plan to scrap cheap rates for luxury apartments

QLD:  Apartment towers paying $120,000 bills for hidden water time bombs

VIC:  Feedback needed on Vic apartment sizes

WA: South Perth’s Civic Heart apartment tower gets green light

SA: Environmentally-friendly apartment Adelaide CBD block has no place for residents park their bikes

NT: A new wave of accommodation has caused a stir among strata title owners

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:

The most read article from our last newsletter?

Wild weather

NSW/ACT: Drips, Drizzle or Deluge? Powers of an Owners Corporation to Enter Lot Property (Including Emergency Powers)

Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers

Owners corporation powers NSW: Even though you (or your tenant) may not be home or if access to your lot is refused, the Owners Corporation may be able to enter your lot anyway.

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Strata Calendar

MAY 20:
WA: Central Institute of Technology: Diploma of Management

MAY 25:
NSW: Strata Management Practices Course

MAY 26:
REIWA: Selling Strata Titled Properties

MAY 31 - JUN 2:
SCA National Convention: Leading the Nation

JUN 2:
BCCM: Body Corporate Information Seminars (Gold Coast)

City of Sydney: Strata Skills 101 - From Meeting to Minutes: Why good governance matters

MAYMAYSustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at:
Visit our Strata Events Page
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