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#45 - It's the Small Things

I notice now; all the little things that add up to a bigger thing. The small decisions, actions, hesitations that shape a life. I wonder if this insight comes with “aging”, or if this is something new for me, but that others have known all along. I wonder about the patterns in a person’s life and how much we can influence to create the outcomes we really want.

I choose to believe we have a lot of influence on shaping our life, requiring a constant awareness and a strong focus to keep us on track.  One hundred more steps a day and your appearance will be radically different. One more page written and you’re one step closer to completing your novel.

So why is it so easy to say “Mañana, I’ll deal with it tomorrow”?

My sister talks of ‘discipline’, that dreaded 4 letter word. I prefer to think of discipline as directional bliss: That which leads you to the happy completion of a desired goal. A goal first starts with its declaration, then a commitment to its completion. Directional bliss is keeping you on track to actual completion with steady, regular steps.

So let’s do it together:  A 90-day summer challenge towards your desired life. That’s about 12 weeks. Choose one thing to commit to daily, or every other day, or three times week. You decide on the schedule as long as you stick to it for the 90 days.  For this experiment to work, the small things have to be aligned with a larger context; the reason why you’re making this commitment. Like weaving a tapestry one thread at a time, the patient thread work is the daily step needed to get to the finished piece.

For me, my intention is to wake up an hour early every day and go to bed an hour earlier.  Why?  I want time for a slow coffee, and I notice I get wonderful insights in the morning (which is the larger context). I’ll see by August what will have changed in my life as a result of this little thing.

Next week, I’ll add another small step in the direction of my bliss. You can add one each week, or keep with one for the 90 days. It’s your call.  Actually it’s your calling.

To be continued….
