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Lesotho youth - a vital partner for water

Youth are integral to managing water – this was evidenced through the participation of over 30 youth in the South African Development Community (SADC) Water Week held in Lesotho on 21-23 April. Read more >>

More on youth:

May 2015

GWP welcomes Partners to network meeting

GWP invites all Partners to its annual network meeting on 1 June 2015. This year's meeting will be held online, on, broadcast by a live stream. Read more >>


GWP in action 2014 annual report

GWP has published its annual report for 2014, highlighting network achievements across all regions. The year was rich and inspiring, says GWP Chair Dr. Ursula Schaefer-Preuss. Read more >>

GWP in the news
Water insecurity costing global economy billions (The Japan Times)

South Asian summer monsoon rainfall expected to be below normal (WMO)

What the California drought means for Canadians (The Globe and Mail)

More news >>

Upcoming events
22 May, International day of Biodiversity, Glasgow, Scotland 

9-11 June, High-level International Conference on the Implementation of the Water for Life Decade, Dushanbe, Tajikistan  

27-31 July, 38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK

More events >>

New resources
Groundwater governance vision and framework for action

A compilation of aspects on the means of implementation: water and sanitation (UN Water) 

Introductory guide: Water resources and Climate Change (Eldis)

More resources >>

Securing Water for Food. Deadline 22 May. 

The Early Career Hydrogeologists’ ‘Coolest Paper’ of 2014 Award. Deadline 31 May. 

Call for applications: AWRA IWRM Award. Deadline 15 June. 

More calls >>

Central Asia universities to enhance IWRM courses

A GWP IWRM ToolBox workshop was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 22-23 April. The workshop was targeted at universities from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia, whose staff educate specialists in water management or related fields and sectors. Read more >>

New case studies in the ToolBox:

GWP India reviews state water policies

GWP India is currently reviewing the state water policies of Goa and Tamil Nadu. This is part of the process of implementing India's 2012 National Water Policy. Read more >>


Local solutions for climate change  

In Central America five pilot projects have been put in place to demonstrate that water security and IWRM are fundamental to adapt to climate change. Some projects are already successful. Read more >>

GWP highlights gender at 7th world water forum

“Gender equity for a Water-Secure Future” was organized at the recent 7th World Water Forum in Korea. The organizers, Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) - with whom GWP has signed a Memorandum of Understanding - highlighted the importance of women and gender in the field of water, sanitation and sustainable development. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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