News from the Khunsuckers in Kherson
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Dear family and friends,

It's been so long since I've sent out an official prayer letter, that I hardly know where to begin. Instead of writing about our winter ministry, I'll just send you to a friend's letter; most of what I did was helping her (banquets, Christmas cookies, time with Oksana, etc). During that time, Will was in the Agape office as usual, or home taking care of everything so that I could be out. Our children were busy with school and art and music and holidays.

So, from there I can move on to spring....
In March I spent two weeks helping a family adopting from "our" orphanage. I went to Kyiv to take care of the little girl from here, while her new mama traveled to pick up her new siblings and then work on everything that it takes to finalize adoptions in Ukraine. (Please, please pray for this family now! After they got home, my friend was seriously injured and has been in the hospital. She needs healing, and her eight children need her at home!) Also in March: Will renewed our residency documents, continued his usual work of translating and corresponding and connecting online, and held everything together while I was gone.

Will got Agape set up on Facebook in English. He keeps that site updated and running, translates for it, and coordinates everything related to it, more and more lately. He's also working on making the Russian version more effective. It's a great way to keep Agape supporters informed about what is going on here. He's also working with communications from and between the different regions of Agape in Ukraine.

Other than my time away in March, I've been able to stay very faithful with at least weekly visits to the orphanage. Every Saturday I visit with a Bible story, crafts, songs, and games for the older kids. Then I spend some time feeding and holding little ones who are bed-bound. I love these times!

Please be praying for the homes for the kids who age out of the orphanage. The first official board meeting for that was in May, and was part of that. There is progress, and the plan is to break ground at the end of the summer, but so much has to fall into place before that can happen. Please pray especially for our friend Alys, as she directs and coordinates all the details.

Remember Oksana, our friend who grew up in the Tsyurupinsk orphanage? I've been able to help some with her trips to and from America for medical treatment. Right now she's back in Ukraine for the summer. Many of you were praying for a good place for her to stay, and it looks like that prayer has been answered. Thank you for praying!

At the end of May we traveled to Rovno for an Agape conference. It was a great experience for all of us: tons of fun and fellowship and very good seminars. Every member of our family loved it, and we'll be talking about and remembering that conference for a long time.

This is getting long; I just touched on the top highlights of our ministry activities for the past six months. There was much in between that, of course, and also our family life, too. If you want to hear more of that, please write and also visit our blog. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, support and interest in our life in Ukraine!
Love and prayers,
Will and Phyllis Hunsucker
and Jaan, Raia, Asya, and Bogdan, too

Please pray for:
  • Ukraine! They are still fighting in the east.
  • Weekly orphanage visits and the orphanage picnic (end of June).
  • Daily office work at Agape.
  • The houses being built for Tsyurupinsk "graduates."
  • A good finish with our regular school. We're going until the end of June with that.
Praise God that:
  • We renewed our residency documents without problems.
  • We could attend the Agape conference.
  • The school year has ended well for our children's extra activities like art, music, and choir.
  • Oksana has a place to stay for the summer.

Who will help?

This tiny 10-year-old is Vitaly. He lives at the orphanage I visit, and he is available for adoption. Lately his condition has been getting worse, so he really needs a family NOW. Please help by praying for him, sharing about him (click on the photo and share that link, not this photo with me in it), and possibly giving money to help a family adopt him. Thank you!
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