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Among the Nations
May 22, 2015

Read: Malachi 1:11, 14
My name will be great among the nations. (v. 11)

Ever since I was a boy, I remember hearing about God’s mission to all people. I recall mission conferences, mission dinners, mission speakers, and special mission offerings. I remember our church going to the West Side Rescue Mission in Chicago to lead worship services, which, coincidentally, was the first place I ever preached. I recollect joining a group of mission-minded men who called on newcomers in our community every Tuesday night. I remember also my dear grandmother correcting Bible correspondence course assignments for students living far away in Africa. That same saintly grandmother would also go through the Chicago phone directory and send gospel tracts out to Jewish people.

I could not help but know that the gospel was for people of all nations—it was all around me! “God so loved the world”—that phrase still gives me goose bumps!

Now, after almost forty years of ministry, I still believe it. I am so grateful that God loves the world, including undeserving sinners like me. But the task is still unfinished. Indeed, what Malachi said about God is still true: “From the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations.” May it be so!

Help us, Lord, to do our part in order that your name may be great among all nations. Amen.

Author: John Koedyker

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