Working bee information
Working bees start in June and I hope you’re all getting excited! Working bees are a fantastic way to give back to the club whilst enjoying the camaraderie of your fellow sailors, making new friends and showing off your skills!
Our defect list is displayed in the club rooms so please nominate yourself on this list for any tasks you would especially like to tackle.
Quite a few jobs not completed last year have been carried forward to this year’s list, particularly maintenance on the jetties, Floating floating ramps and rigging platforms. Access to some of this work will be dependent on the tides and often they will not coincide with Saturday mornings.
We are looking for a pool of volunteers that are available mid-week where maintenance can be programmed around when the tides are favourable. If you are retired, semi-retired, or just have some flexibility to commit time during the week, please contact Mike Virant at the club or call him on 0419 239 344.
The success of our working bee program relies on many members putting in some effort during the winter months. Whatever your skills and experience, or lack of, please make sure you come to the club and give a hand in some way at a few of the working bees. Many hands make light work.