Emma Plunkett's May art newsletter is about what investing in art means.
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Dear Art Lover,

Art – a speculative investment

For you as an artist – the primary task is to choose a subject that is worthy of investing your time and energy and committing to that choice. The second task is to invest in learning the skills of various technical and artistic processes. With practice you will hopefully be able to make something which stirs the imagination and sets the tone of desirability. Thirdly, once the art is completed, you need to take it to its audience and let the art make it on its own. It needs to be seen and accepted just as it is.

A beautiful painted sunset with printed electrical poles, lazy cables and street lamps.

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Tablones Lights

A3 cyanotype with ink: Relaxed electric cables in a pueblo in southern Spain, hinting at a lazy evening where nothing matters.
A swirling painted blueness with a printed statue in the bottom right corner.

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St. Anna I

A5 cyanotype with ink: A sculpture of Christ's grandmother by MatÄ›j Václav Jäckel, added in 1707 to Charles Bridge, Prague.


For you as the art lover – anything can be elevated to the status of art, simply by taking it out of its ordinary habitat and framing it or putting it on a plinth. This act of giving something extraordinary importance, doesn't make it great though. Art is only really worthy of your financial investment when you find it compelling and keeps you thinking.


As usual I am offering a 10% discount, to my loyal newsletter followers, on the art featured in this newsletter. Please enter the following code at the check out of my paintings web shop.


This code is only valid between the 28th May and 28th June 2015.

Thank you for your ongoing curiosity.

Love Emma

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