Summer programs are starting soon!
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Greetings and salutations

Thank you for being one of our first subscribers!

The Platteville Public Library is excited to bring you the very first edition of our newsletter, an e-publication designed to share timely information and resources with our community. We are committed to the use of technology to engage and communicate with you, our library patrons. We hope to hear from you about how to make our e-newsletter better. If you would like to provide suggestions or write a "Reader Review," please don't hesitate to contact me or our e-newsletter coordinator (  

Jessie Lee-Jones
Platteville Public Library Director
Kickoff event: Incredible Movie Day. Saturday, June 6, 10:30 am. At the Avalon Cinema. Free. For all ages, no registration required.
Help us get summer off to a great start. Come meet Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, enjoy a free movie, find out about summer programs, have your face painted, and play MARVELous games and contests. For all ages.
Platteville Public Library open house at 190 Market St (old Carnegie Library). June 20, 8 am - noon
Join us to celebrate serving the community for over 100 years. 
  • Past: Visit Platteville's former Carnegie library.
  • Present: Meet Library Board members, Foundation members, and staff. Discover current library programs. 
  • Future: Learn about the upcoming library block development project. Find out about volunteer/involvement opportunities.
Enjoy refreshments and children's activities. 
Dine out at Benvenuto's on the third Thursday of the month, mention the library, and a portion of your bill will go to the Platteville Library Foundation.
Every Hero Has a Story: Children's summer library programs
Registration for children's summer library programs starts May 26

Storytimes and weekly programs for infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and lunch bunch run June 15 - July 31. Stop by the library in person to sign up. 

Reading logs have two exciting changes: kids' reading logs run through August 28 and we have activity sheets starting from birth this summer (and running through age 11). Stop by the library in person to sign up for summer reading and pick up your log. 

Contests are starting at the library in May with a drawing contest and guessing contest. More contests start June 15.
Every Hero Has a Story: Teen summer library programs
Weekly teen programs start June 24 (beginning with "World Record Setting Day") and run each Wednesday afternoon through August 19. Stop by the library or call 348-7441 ext 4 to sign up.

Super Summer Reading Records for teens have an exciting new change this year: teens can now read 1,200 pages over the summer or complete book bingo. Reading Records can be picked up starting May 26 and turned in starting June 15.
Get ready to shake up your reading selections with our annual summer Book Bingo. Pick up your Bingo card at the library starting May 26. Return your finished card between June 15 and August 22 for a book and a prize.
Take the library with you this summer with e-books and e-audiobooks from Wisconsin's Digital Library (OverDrive). Bring your device and library card to one of our drop-in workshops and learn how. All ages.
Celebrate Jane Austen's 239 ½ birthday with tea, dessert, a craft, and other Austenian party activities. For ages 12 - adult. Répondez s'il vous plaît (i.e. register) by calling 348-7441 ext 4.
Make it Monday:
Lucky Penny Charms

June 8, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Make your own lucky penny charm. We'll be getting out the toolbox this month to hammer stamps and punch through metal. Free. Ages 12 - adult.
Call 348-7441 ext 4 to sign up.
In Stitches
June 15, 6:00 - 7:30 pm (third Monday of the month)
Join us for crafting, chatting, and cookies at the library. You bring your own project, we'll bring refreshments. All kinds of (portable) craft projects welcome. Ages 12 - adult. Come when you can, leave when you have to.
Superman/Batman Public Enemies
June 20, 1:30pm - 2:45pm
Kick off our super summer Saturday movie series with this superhero movie. Rated PG-13, the film is based on an action packed graphic novel by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. Movie snacks are provided or bring your own favorite treat. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Questions? Call 348-7441.
Pandemic board game
Game night: Pandemic
June 22, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Join forces to fight disease and save the world in this cooperative board game. Ages 12 - adult.
Call 348-7441 ext 4 to sign up.
Look for more details in the next newsletter.
  • McFarland USA movie - June 29, 5:30 - 8:00 pm
  • Celebrate America with Captain America - June 30, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
  • July 4 - closed for the holiday
  • Make it Monday: Stamped Scarves - July 13, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  • The Unlikely Hero Through the Ages, or How Johnny Depp Brought an Ancient Roman Underdog Back into the Spotlight - July 14, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Batman's Superhero Training Academy - July 18, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  • Super Summer Saturday Shows (Batman movie marathon) - July 18, 9:30 am, 12:15 pm and 3:15 pm
  • Trivia Hero - July 25, 7:00 - 9:30 pm
This is where we plan to put the things that don't fit anywhere else but are making us so happy that we just have to share.
  • Our library catalog had an update recently. "My account" now shows up as a separate tab instead of a pop-up. This should help those of you who check your account on a tablet or mobile device. 
  • Also part of our catalog update: if you had recently checked to see if your items were in transit and they were incorrectly listed as already here - this problem has been fixed.
  • We put together our first newsletter and you read it all! Thank you! We'll come visit your inbox again in about a month.
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