Forget about enlightenment. Sit down wherever you are and listen to the wind that is singing in your veins. Fell the love, the longing and the fear in your bones. Open your heart to who you are, right now, not who you would like to be. Not the saint you're striving to become. But the being right here before you, inside you, around you. All of you is holy. You're already more and less than whatever you can know. Breathe out, look in, let go.
-John Welwood
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back to basics

keep it simple

*Photo by Ashley Mead at Sangha Yoga Shala, wearing Hyde organic yoga apparel.

I recently had an aha and DUH moment with an applied kinesiologist doctor I've been seeing for several years that was so simple yet almost hilariously profound. Whenever I visit I learn something new, but this experience was almost like re-learning something I've known all along.

I asked him about my low energy levels lately - having just started teaching earlier classes, my body is getting used to its revised schedule, and alongside seasonal allergies I have been feeling a bit sluggish.

Since I've been working with him for a while now, he is familiar with my eating habits and general routine, so he simply asked about my current work schedule. I replied the way I normally do, laughing with a side of discontentment, telling him I work almost all day every day unless I'm eating, commuting, practicing yoga/dancing/exercising, or sleeping.

His response was a heavy dose of enlightenment: we have lots of fancy tools we work with [yoga, meditation, chiropractic adjustments, cleanses, tapping, acupuncture, herbs, etc], but the body has an amazing ability to heal itself if we give it what we need. These essential components of survival are just air, water, and sleep.

He didn't discount the other dietary, energetic, physical and mental tools - they are important and can have incredibly healing impacts on our lives and our wellbeing, but they are secondary to the stuff that keeps our physical bodies intact: air, sleep, water.

So his answer to my conundrum: work less, get more rest, and you'll have more energy. No supplements or special foods to eat more/less of, just friggin' relax.

Easy, right? How did I miss something so simple? As someone who toots the horn of self-care, I felt a little ridiculous for not giving myself that essential space to reboot and refuel my gas tank, but was also so thankful for the reminder. Sometimes we need an outside source to spark that something within us we might recognize, but haven't yet put into action [or inaction, if you're me].

Click here to read the full post,
including some basic tips to strip away the fancy stuff and feel better, inspired by my doctor.

What do you do to bring things back to basics? I would love to hear your practices, tips and experiences - please share!

Read on for a hearty and healthy spring recipe, event updates, music and more.

recipe: spring buddha bowl

It’s called savory for a reason, and it doesn't need to be fancy to taste great.

Savor the moments leading up to eating, too: choosing and buying the food you eat [I geek out over beautiful produce at the McCarren Park Greenmarket], prepping and cooking your meals, chewing and enjoying the ways in which it nourishes you.

Enjoy this spring Buddha bowl, free of grains and dairy, full of flavor thanks to my favorite Garden of Eve Organic Farm, including sautéed radish greens. Simple, savory and satisfying.

Heart bowl by Breakfast Criminals.

class + events

Check out my previous listings of events for details and stay tuned for updates!

poolside yoga | McCarren Hotel Sat 8:30-9:30 am
goodmoves | goodyoga Fri 6/5 7:30-9:30 pm
Breakti performance | Times Sq Sat 6/21
Wanderlust CA | visit Hyde's booth July 16-19
Fitness+Foolishness | Cayman Sept 24-27
weekly classes | BK + NYC


Check out my brother Ian Nelson's Kickstarter page to support his amazing project documenting the species of the Pacific Northwest and its surroundings!

Ian is bringing awareness to gorgeous natural habitats via interesting facts and stunning imagery in order to preserve its life and beauty.

music pick


Flashlight EP

farewell for now...

Feeling overwhelmed, tired or restless? Go back to basics: breathe, rest, hydrate, refuel. Continue the process and learn from your discoveries, always knowing you can resort to simplicity when things don't feel so simple. I'm here if and when you need support along the way.
  • follow my blog for weekly updates on nutrition, yoga, easy recipes + more
  • follow me on instagram for wellness, yoga, food + lifestyle tips + inspirations
  • like my facebook page 
  • ask me anything 
  • submit a recipe
  • email me to schedule a wellness + lifestyle consultation
  • email me to schedule private or group yoga sessions
  • contact me regarding yoga + wellness talks and workshops
  • pass this along to friends and family [referrals = perks!]

Spread the wealth, spread the health.

peace, love, and back to basics.
Copyright © 2015 sasha yoga + wellness, All rights reserved.