

June 11, 2015

Dear Mountain Sage Parents,

I am writing to remind you that you will soon be receiving your child's end of year report in the mail. 

If you had a child enrolled at Mountain Sage last year, you likely remember the end of year narrative report you recieved last summer. This year, you will notice that the report has a different format. A rubric element has been added to the narrative reports in order to give you more detailed information about your child's academic progress and school experience. 

These end of year reports are not to be shared with your child(ren). Reports are for parent eyes only. 

However, if there is an area your child's teacher has identified as  needing improvement/development, supporting your child's growth over the summer in that particular area is very helpful. 

If you have questions after reading you child's end of year report, do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. 

Liv Helmericks
Mountain Sage Community School