
June 2015 Newsletter

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Dear Ross Juniors FC Supporter

Thank you for all the lovely comments that came our way following the Club receiving the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service last week. To read more about the Award please click here.

On Tuesday July 7th you are all warmly invited to attend our Annual General Meeting  which is going to be held at 7:15pm at The Royal Hotel. This is a great opportunity to find out what happens 'behind the scenes' and for you to get more involved.

As always, thanks for all your continued support.

The RJFC Committee
News from Ross Sports Club
We are delighted to announce that all the hard work with turning the Sports Centre into a clubhouse for cricket and football is nearly there. A new floor has been just put down, there is a trophy cabinet to follow and the decor on the walls looks great. Next stage of the development will be to improve the bar itself, so if any of you have any contacts in the pub trade please get in touch with Paul Flitney (
Bristol Academy Ladies visit RJFC
Angharad James and Loren Dykes came to visit the girls section on Monday 8th June to run a training session and present end of season awards. Both are regulars for Bristol Academy Ladies and Welsh internationals. Players' players, Coaches' players and Parents' players were awarded for each age group and the girl of the year presented with the 'Ernie’ award was Ronnie Thomas.
Photos to purchase

If you would like to see or buy photos taken by Jon on the day of the Adam Stansfield Tournament or on Monday at the Girls' Presentation Evening, please click
Next Season

Your coaches will soon be starting to 'pester' you to fill in registration forms for next season and each team manager will advise individually of their team's Summer training break.

Our brand new website is live now!

Check it out:


20th June - Queen's Award celebration - contact Jim for tickets - 

7th July
- RJFC AGM, 7:15pm Royal Hotel - ALL WELCOME

15th August - Royal British Legion VJ Day celebrations -
 Ross Band Stand

Ross Juniors Online Shop
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