June 2015 Newsletter
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Playback Theatre Sydney works to engage audiences and give them voice, to entertain them, to let stories be told and shared, to increase trust and knowledge, to offer learnings and reflection, to transition people from 'a place of discomfort' to openness. All done with respect and honouring of personal experiences.  It increases our collective knowledge and our interconnectedness.

Playbackers at CAMP - dynamic, focused and entertaining! 

China Australia Millennial Project

Playback Theatre Sydney joined Vivid Ideas this month to work at CAMP, the China Australia
Millennial Project.  CAMP is a new business incubator for 130 young leaders across a range of industries such as entrepreneurship, healthcare, law and technology. It unites young Chinese and Australian 'Millennials' (or Gen Y aged 18-35) to foster collaboration and development. Since the start of 2015, the 'CAMPers' had worked in small online project groups and they finally met face-to-face in Sydney (coming from all parts of China and Australia) to build the essential 'people part' of a successful alliance - as well as to complete projects and submit them for judging.

Playback met the group as a whole, after an intense 48 hours in Sydney, to share their experiences thus far. They were high-energy and under pressure to achieve and Playback encouraged them to give 
voice their experiences - what was challenging, unexpected, refreshing, illuminating and ongoing.  The stories and moments included: anxiety, excitement, creative, geek, high-achieving, weird, uncertainty & opportunity, mental fatigue, technical issues, lost in the city, gratitude, hopeless & hope... and many more.  Playback performed the rich and diverse stories on stage, using music, metaphor and physical theatre to laughs, gasps, claps and recognition. Playback opened up each experience to offer possibilities to reflect on and enjoy, further connecting this cross-cultural group of inspiring young leaders. 

A take away?  China is Australia's largest trading partner - but over 120 countries can say that of China.  The key to successful collaborations to solve business, environmental and social issues is in building stronger relationships. Skills, language and ideas are vital, of course, but finding common passions and values and respect are essential to creative collaborations. Playback was so pleased to be a part of this inaugural event at Vivid Ideas and can't wait to use some of the innovations this group will no doubt have delivered into the future!

Expect the Unexpected - and then Manage It well!

The School of Playback's May workshop - The Unplanned Moment - Managing Uncertainty - saw students push past their comfort zones, and the trainers want to thank them for being brave and challenging their default reactions to explore 'the discomfort of uncertainty'. The training focused on specific skills to help navigate the many paths (or worm holes?!) that can appear when collaborating with others - in public speaking, when facilitating group discussion, when being interviewed.  After all, these skills are a fundamental part of Playback's improvisational work! The 1.5 day workshop gave the workshop participants time to learn and focus on the new skills, implement them, and practice, practice, practice! 

Three points to remember when working in the unplanned moment:

  • be present
  • let go of your plan
  • respond authentically

Feedback from a workshop participant -
- I loved the 'Uncertain Moment' workshop with Sydney Playback.  It was a wonderful unpacking of those moments, how and why they arise, what we can do about them, strategies to come out of them without head noise and I left with a sense of permission to be myself and to send my inner critic on an extended break! Nicole, June 2015

Going Global with an International Flavour!

This time next month, a Playback Theatre Sydney team will be in Montreal for the Playback International Conference 2015.  There we'll meet with our peers, practice our skills and learn from each other's work.  There are 
over 30 Playback Theatre companies around the world and Playback Theatre Sydney is the second oldest - formed in 1980 - five years after the original New York State company was established. We've been  been invited to do a Performance at the International Conference and run a Workshop.

At our Performance, we're honoured that Peter Hall, one the founding members of Playback Theatre in Australia and a highly regarded international Playback practitioner and teacher, will join us onstage as Conductor. FYI, the 'Conductor', or facilitator, has very specific skills in drawing out the stories of the group for playing back. Performing and sharing stories of Playback with Playback for Playback, takes Playback to a whole new level, bien sur, we can't wait!

The Conference Workshop we will run is Sustaining Company Life.  You may not have considered our theatre troupe 'a company' but an ensemble is just like any organisation - with various perspectives, politics, pain and pleasure points.  To work effectively, we require a very healthy organisation and our Workshop will examine the 'beating heart' that has sustained our company for the past 35 years. We'll share our skills and invite participants to share on what keeps their company vibrant, to ensure an energised and interactive session:

  • techniques we use to create open and robust communication
  • formal and informal leadership - how we've encouraged it and how we've undermined it
  • valuing process over product - company life is as important to us as the quality of our performance (in fact the quality of our performance depends on the health of our relationships)
  • the willingness to engage with each other at a deeply emotional level.
All points relevant to all sorts of companies, we think.  Wish us well!


  • July 26
  • August 30
  • October 25
  • December 6
Book online now and secure tickets so you won't forget!
So where exactly does Playback Theatre work?  

Playback Theatre is internationally renown for enabling powerful dialogue, reflection and connection. There are 
over 30 Playback companies around the world and they work in many contexts, such as performances for the public, learning and development, conflict resolution, peace building, community cohesion, change management, reward and recognition, and celebrating achievement.
Workshop feedback -
what they said...

Great fun and well run!
Feedback from Workshop 1: Express Yourself Through Playback, April 2015

The 'games' and activities were so much fun and a great way to learn that when on the spot, something WILL come!  The facilitators were so encouraging and warm and the group was lovely too.  I had a great time and have been consciously keeping some of the techniques in mind every single day since!  - Natalia
Feedback from Workshop 2: The Unplanned Moment - Managing Uncertainty, June 2015
Registering early interest

If you're interested in 'The Unplanned Moment - Managing Uncertainty'  workshop, you can register your interest early. When there are enough people for a workshop, 
The School of Playback will contact you with dates and details.  Alternatively, if you'd like the workshop to be run in your organisation, have a chat to Playback to discuss further - contact Playback Sydney.  
May 31 Pubic Show

The May 31 Public Performance at the King Street Theatre in Newtown went well with two newcomers to a Playback Theatre performance commenting that they didn't expect to see such a deep level of authenticity as well as the humour in the show. Joseph Campbell, the American mythologist, once remarked - Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.  Playback Theatre offers such a space when facilitating the discovery of what it means to be human, and where our humanity coincides with one another, again and again through the stories we share. 
In a nutshell...
Playback Theatre Shows are moving and real - thanks to all of you. Witness a Playback Show and you'll glimpse the lives of others and reflect upon your own. You'll see stories come to life with movement, music and dramatic tension - and you'll take away a renewed appreciation and understanding of our shared human experience.  

Next Skills Workshop:
Empathetic Listening

Oct 21 - Dec 2, 2015
Wednesday evenings 

Playback Theatre is a model for Empathetic Listening. Starting in October, Sydney School of Playback will run a workshop focused on the art of Empathetic Listening - how to hear both the spoken and unspoken language, and how to encourage others to speak up and say what they really want to say. Ideal for those who want to develop their listening skills in a creative way, it is suitable for facilitators, actors, public speakers, counsellors or leaders. If you lead teams, work Learning & Education or HR, or talk to groups of people, this course will have skills for you. At the end of the 6 weeks you will feel enriched and able to listen in a new way! Find out more

Broadening horizons 
Thank you for your interest in Playback Theatre Sydney and we hope you can share your interest with friends and colleagues. Simply forward this email onto your network or suggest they come see a Playback show. We hope they will join us in sharing and enjoying our illuminating stories with Playback Theatre Sydney.
Copyright © 2015    Playback Theatre Sydney   All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 770 Leichhardt NSW 2040
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