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Expect the unexpected..
We were in the middle of an evangelistic program at a public highschool when two police officers walked in. As you can imagine, we were startled because we had no idea why they were there. As the program continued, they watched intensely and even laughed. When the program ended, they returned to their post outside the school.  When you wake up each day, you have no idea God's plans and who you will have the opportunity to minister to. Though we may never know what God did for them that day, but we do know that seeds were planted and they heard the good news. We are believing God for many more opportunities just like this one.
What's in a name..
During the same program at the public high school, one of the boys chosen for a game was a Mr. Show Off. He was having so much fun getting all the attention during the game. However, at altar time, he did everything he possibly could to hold back the tears. Behind the macho, proud, popular student, there was a lot of pain and hurt in need of healing. Who knew that it was just a cover up for all the pain inside. God knew he needed to hear that he is loved and important.
Opportunity knocks..
When we were preparing for our April team, we felt impressed to focus the upcoming programs on self-worth. As we travelled from school to school, we saw children break down crying as they heard  about how God sees them versus what the world says. When the world calls us ugly, worthless and stupid; He says we are beautiful, valuable and intelligent. The altar times were wonderful as the children's hearts were healed. Thank you for helping us serve the beautiful children in Guatemala.
1. For the great opportunities and times of ministry
God had given us throughout Guatemala.
2. For the teams God is sending and their willingness to give and serve along side of us.
3. For the means God has provided for us to minister to the children of Guatemala.
1. Pray for safety as we travel throughout Guatemala this summer. (We are even taking a 1.5 hr river ride to a school).
2. Pray for good health as we travel and minister.
3. Pray for lives to be changed and miracles to happen.
Our US mailing address is:
Daren Walker
1030 Recreo Rd
Los Lunas NM 87031


Financial Support:
1445 N Boonville Ave
Springfield MO 65802 
Acct# 261807

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