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ANPC News - June 2015
Seven FREE Provenance Workshops to be held across NSW over the next few weeks
Hear presentations by key plant geneticists and expert native seed practitioners regarding the current best understanding of provenance issues for planning and implementing ecological restoration. The workshops, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, are being organised by the ANPC in collaboration with NSW Local Land Services, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney and CSIRO. Click here for more information or contact Martin Driver, ANPC Project Manager by phone on 0400 170957 or email.
Workshop locations and dates are as follows:
Armidale - Tuesday 16 June - Armidale City Bowling Club
Lismore - Thursday 18 June - Lismore Workers Club
Coffs Harbour - Friday 19 June - Coffs Harbour Race Club (this additional workshop funded by North Coast LLS)
Orange - Monday 22 June - Orange Agricultural Institute
Yass - Wednesday 24 June - Yass Soldiers Club
Wagga - Tuesday 30 June - Charles Sturt University Convention Centre
Sydney - Thursday 2 July - The Australian Botanic Garden, Mt Annan

Update on Bringing Back the Banksias project
A very big thank you to the Norman Wettenhall Foundation for supporting this project in its latest round of small environmental grants. The ANPC will be contacting previous workshop participants and others in the coming months to collate distribution data and other information on Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) in Victoria and south west NSW, where it has undergone considerable decline across its once extensive range. The ANPC will also be investigating other collaborative promotion and fundraising to enable the extension of proposed genetic studies, seed production area propagation and on-ground works in conjunction with landowners, landcare groups and other interested parties. Anyone who is interested in Bringing Back the Banksias can contact ANPC Project Officer Martin Driver on this email.

Donate today and help the ANPC better promote plant conservation
The ANPC recently launched its new and improved ANPC website. A big thank you to everyone who has donated to the ANPC Public Fund over the last eighteen months, and especially Natural Area Consulting Management Services, as these donations have covered the costs of establishing and designing the website. Donations are now going towards setting up the shopping cart so we can improve our service and go 'on-line' for memberships, publications and workshop registrations. The end of financial year is the perfect time to donate to the causes you care about. To help us further develop the website this year, please complete a donation form today and email it back to us. Donations of $2 or more to the ANPC are tax-deductible. We also have plans to expand the website this year to increase the community's knowledge, awareness and appreciation of native plants, especially threatened plant species and endangered ecological communities. The website will also be gradually updated and further developed to provide a comprehensive resource for all those working in plant conservation.

Next ANPC conference in 2016 - advance notice
We are delighted to announce that the 11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC11) will be held in Melbourne towards the end of 2016, in collaboration with La Trobe University and other organisations. Stay tuned for further information as it becomes available.

Other items of interest:

New threatened ecological community listings
Two ecological communities were listed under the federal EPBC Act in May: 1/ Central Hunter Valley eucalypt forest and woodland (critically endangered) and 2/ Posidonia australis seagrass meadows of the Manning-Hawkesbury ecoregion (endangered). Click here for more information.

Saving our Species video gallery
Four threatened plant species feature in this collection of on-line movies made by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage's Saving our Species program: Swainsona recta, Grevillea caleyi, Omea Storksbill and the Wollemi Pine. Enjoy!

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