Building Communities of Hope
In just 3 months we have seen our work here in Northern Iraq grow in unimaginable ways. This week we've completed our 5th refugee camp, which are now sprawled over three locations in the Soran & Rwandz Region. That means almost 100 families - close to 600 refugees/IDPs - now have a safe place to call home.
We've also had plenty of visitors recently, with teams, ministry delegates, and volunteers all spending time with us and serving at the community center and refugee camps.
On June 9th we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary of life in Kurdistan. It has been an exciting and challenging adventure to say the least. The Kurdish people have endured a lot over the centuries and this last year has tested the resolve of this amazing people. In our town alone over 100 Peshmerga soldiers have lost their lives defending their homeland from the threat of ISIS.
We have some really exciting things on the horizon in the coming days, including an official launch on the revamped work that we are doing here that centers around our outreach to refugees and IDPs. It's called "The Refuge Initiative", but more on that later.
There are many challenges to living and working here, but we have seen first hand what God can do, even in our weakness. Just recently I was deeply impacted by an encounter with a Yezidi man who is experiencing what I can only describe as "A Father's Worst Nightmare". As you take time to read through our eNewsletter be encouraged - God is moving. But know that you too can be part of the solution. There is so much more that we want to do in bringing the hope of Jesus to Northern Iraq and we need your help.
As a family we're so thankful for the ways that God has seen us through our first year in Kurdistan and we're so grateful to those of you who have been cheering us on through your prayer and support - you know who you are! Enjoy the photos and updates of what has been a busy Spring.