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the "Building a Better Density Bonus" series

For all of you die-hard Urban One fans, you probably already saw our "Building a Better Density Bonus" series that was released on our blog over the period of the past couple weeks, but for those who have not had the opportunity to take a gander, we wanted to send a recap of the series to the masses.

A while back we promised to explore in greater detail some of the topics addressed in "LA's Next Frontier," the LA Business Council's report that we helped UCLA's Paul Habibi research and write. Well, we have delivered and this is our answer.

This five-part series outlines recommendations and proposals for improving the Los Angeles density bonus program for real estate development. Part 1 gives the reader a little bit of background on the subject, while Parts 2 through 5 include specific recommendations to improve the density bonus and affordable housing provision throughout the region. We recommend starting with Part 1, but for those who like to skip ahead, here is a list of each installment for your reading pleasure:

Our goal is to foster engagement and debate over this important subject matter amongst policy and decision makers in the industry, and to hopefully begin the process of a transition toward more effective and efficient programs that better serve the needs of all LA residents, while also allowing developers to actually satisfy these needs. Special thanks to Shane Phillips from Urban One who spearheaded this endeavor.
Read the Series
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