A holiday.......and a photo to entice you!.....
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This is just a quick little message to let you all know I'm going on a little family holiday.
Don't laugh, this is pretty much the flavour of our road trip!!!!
This means any orders received after the close of business hours on

Wednesday 17th June (this Wednesday coming) won't be able to be despatched until

Monday 13th July

So.....if you have a wish list and you want to have it before then, please place your orders very soon.

I am currently working on Lucy Boston Block 9, and they will be available during my trip, and sent off during my absence (but I'll be unable to add extra items, just the blocks). I didn't want all the 'Lucy' girls to wait. Some of you are up-to-speed and hanging on for each block, so we don't want to hold up the momentum!

And just to give you something to ponder on whilst I'm away, I'll leave you with a photo of my very first quilt design, which is now a Block of the Month. I am just a bit (well lots really!!...Lol)  excited about this....

Here 'tis....
.Shiralee Elegance
An 8 month BOM program.

Each month includes fabric, exactly as pictured, papers and instructions at $48 per month.
And with month one there is an extra purchase of the  template pack, including all 8 templates (5 of which have been especially made for this quilt) for $46.

Quilt Measures 68" square

I have been displaying Shiralee Elegance at the local shows and the interest has been wonderful. So much so that I sold out of the initial round of kits before I even got it onto a newsletter!. Fortunately more background fabric is on its way to me now and another round will be available.
There will be limited kits in the exact same fabrics. If you would like to pre-order your kit, please let me know (I am always contactable via phone or email, even whilst away).

Well that's all for now.....I hope you are all finding some sewing time in amongst our busy lives.....
I need to do heaps before I go. I am off to write a list...............

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