Streamlining of regulatory approvals and strengthening of environmental protections are often seen as mutually exclusive goals, but innovative planning in the Lake Tahoe Basin seeks to achieve both. This planning framework is explored in detail in the linked paper below.
In December 2012, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) adopted an
updated Lake Tahoe Regional Plan that created a framework for integrated regional and local planning. This planning system is designed to simplify permitting processes while retaining and strengthening strict environmental standards. This system achieves regional environmental goals through local area plans that can be tailored to the unique needs of individual neighborhoods or communities. Once an area plan is approved, certain TPRA permits are delegated to local governments. The area plans allow regional and local permitting processes to be consolidated into a single system. These
plans are now taking shape and they have been adopted or are being prepared in every county and city surrounding Lake Tahoe.
This integrated regional and local planning approach borrowed elements from other successful efforts in California and Nevada, such as the local coastal planning process. It can inform improvements to regulatory processes elsewhere where important natural resources protection goals and land use development demands intersect.
If you wish to learn more about how this planning initiative is part of a collaborative effort to improve the environment and economy at Lake Tahoe, please consider attending the
Western Governors’ Association annual meeting on June 24-26 at the Hyatt Regency Resort, Incline Village. Lake Tahoe’s integrated approach will be discussed. You may register onsite during the conference.
If you have questions, please contact TRPA Chief Operating Officer,
John Hester, or Ascent Senior Planner,
Adam Lewandowski.