Summer in Hazel Hill Wood - a Conservation Retreat Centre in Wiltshire
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Summer 2015 Newsletter





Getting more involved...

In 2015 and beyond, we aim to expand our team, and the range of events we offer.  If you'd like to be part of this, please contact Alan.

In this issue

New 1-day Workshop - Nourishing Resilience

Last call, Conservation Weekend, Jul 24-26

Manfulness, Mindfulness, Music & More, Aug 28-31

Introducing Hazel Hill Trust

Four New Events this Autumn

New Education Initiatives

Meet the Team: Marcos Frangos

Dear Friend 

As you'll see from this newsletter, these are times of exciting and significant change and progress at Hazel Hill.  I hope you'll be able to join us soon.

With blessings


New 1-Day Workshop: Nourishing Resilience

Wisdom Tree is a partner organisation with Hazel Hill, offering skills for resilience to work organisations, individuals, and communities, with natural systems resilience as a key model.

On July 21st, Wisdom Tree are running a 1-day workshop at Hazel Hill, aimed especially at those working in change management, coaching, organisational development and counselling, both freelance and within an organisation.

There are still some places available, for details click here
Last Call: Conservation Weekend

A few places left!
Family Fun & Conservation Weekend, July 24-26

Grab your wellies, slap on some sun cream and start your summer with a wonderful family-fun conservation weekend at Hazel Hill Wood. Come and experience a sense of shared community and help breathe new life into Hazel Hill wood’s pond area.

We’ll be clearing and tending the paths around the pond, planting edible plants, learning about wild foraging, building dens (for little kids and BIG kids alike!), observing the insects and wildlife that thrive by the pond. We’ll also be creating a much-needed seating area on the banks around the pond with benches for hearing those ‘fishy’ stories!

The weekend is open to individual bookings for adults, and to families with children (minimum age 5 with a family member). The weekend will be led by Marcos Frangos and Kate Steele with support from our fabulous Hazel Hill site crew.

For full details, click here.  For bookings and enquiries contact Marcos Frangos email or 07881 425804

Manfulness, Mindfulness, Music & More: Aug 28-31

Men's Weekend

A chance to relax, renew, and reflect in the company of men and this magical 70-acre wood. Men of all ages are welcome. Our long weekend will include group sessions, solo time in the woods, doing conservation work together, relaxing with campfires and good food. And exploring...

Manfulness is a quality unique to each man, waiting for us each to find it. We men often feel we’re less than, but together we can realise we’re all ‘more than’.

Mindfulness is a range of methods to help you be more present in the moment, in your body, and more resilient to the crazy sides of modern life and work.

For more information please click here

Four NEW EVENTS this Autumn!

SEPTEMBER 26 - 28: Young kids in the woods - a weekend for city kids and their parents to spend time in the rhythm of the woods and being in community. For full details, click here.

OCTOBER 15 - 16: Wellspring of Wellbeing
a retreat with a small group, led by Marcos Frangos, using the constellation process plus connection with the wood.  For details click here.

OCTOBER 16 - 18: Conservation Fun Weekend - conserving, relaxing, restoring: for you and the wood.  
Adults welcome, also accompanied kids or teens, age 8 and up.  For more info, click here.

NOVEMBER 4 - 8: Coming back to your senses: 
a self-development weekend in nature to change rhythms, to explore and clarify your deepest values so they can guide and enrich your life.  Led by Karen Liebenguth and Simon Hawtrey - Woore.  For more details click here.

Introducing Hazel Hill Trust

Alan Heeks Writes...

As of June 2015, I have gifted the ownership and operation of Hazel Hill Wood  to a new registered UK charity, Hazel Hill Trust.  This does not imply any immediate changes to the way the wood operates for our clients, and the current team will continue unchanged, except for the appointment of Marcos Frangos as General Manager of the wood and the Trust.  The main reasons for the change are:

  • To ensure continuity of the project and reduce its dependence on me for management and funding.

  • To enable a widening and deepening of educational programmes at the wood.

  • To help us attract grant funding to support our educational work, conservation and facilities.

This is a big transition for all of us, but it feels a very positive one, and as you’ll see elsewhere, it is already bearing fruit in the growth of our educational work. I am the initial Chair of the Trust, and hope to continue my involvement for many years, but in a different way, hopefully with a greater quality of collective holding and shaping for the wood and activities there.

For a fuller briefing on the new Trust, see

A major reason for the formation of the Hazel Hill Trust is to widen and deepen the educational work of the wood, and this is already showing exciting progress, including: 
  • Expanding our own programme of open events, eg four conservation weekends per year
  • Bookings from new clients whose aims fit ours, such as the Forest School Training in August, and Plains School Partnership
  • Events led by Wisdom Tree, such as the Natural Roots weekend in April, and the Manfulness group in late August
For more news, check our website or social media on Facebook or Twitter
The five trustees planting an oak tree for the start of the Trust: from top left, Jake, Marcos, Ella, Alan, Fran.

Meet the Team:Marcos Frangos

Marcos Frangos.
Marcos joined us in May 2015 as General Manager of Hazel Hill Wood and Trust.  His previous experience includes 14 years in management at Hampshire County Council, including their work on wellbeing and change management; several years with a small charity; and training as an architect.

Marcos' roles with Hazel Hill include expansion of our educational programmes, managing our landscaping and conservation team, and exploring grant funds for our work.

He has already co-led a Natural Roots and a Conservation and Mindfulness weekend, is hosting the Family Conservation group, July 24-26, and leading the Wellspring of Wellbeing event in October.

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