Here we are in July, my musical friends, a month in which there are going to be TWO gatherings to sing together, not just one. Our longtime Northampton host Stan Pollack (Stan the Fixit Man, google it!) hosts a RUSH gathering once a year around now, with an open-air potluck and then a sing upstairs in his barn/garage/workshop - always a lot of fun, and an interesting place with various animals nearby for your dinnertime amusement. Here is what he says:
Hi Roger, Shirley and RUSHies,
We are having our annual potluck and singalong on Saturday, July 11, 2015 starting at 5:00PM. Our address is 1 Bardwell St., Florence, which is on the corner of Bardwell and North Maple. Please list the ingredients of your potluck offering. We will have real plates, cups, utensils and napkins so there is no need to bring any disposable items. Of course bring Rise Up Singing and copies of any homegrown songs or lyrics off the internet to share with the group. RSVP before July 9 so we can help facilitate car pooling.
Stan Pollack, 413-585-9070,
We used to meet in Northampton but that ended a few years back, so here is an opportunity specially convenient for singers on that side of the river. Thanks, Stan!

Then, the second RUSH of the month will be in Pelham a week later, the customary 6/7 o'clock schedule, on Saturday July 18. Originally there was to be just one RUSH in July, Stan's, but there was an absolutely unstoppable overwhelming DEMAND!! for this July 18 RUSH, so here it will be. That last RUSH was SO SO wonderful and full of spirit that the people there just HAD to have another Pelham RUSH.

Last weekend was the Old Songs Festival, you know, always an inspiring time in spite of the rain and mud this year, and as always I picked up a few RUSH-type songs to bring to the July RUSH gatherings. You will love them!

Sometime in mid-July, I hope, Peter and Annie are going to give out information about how to get tickets for their big celebration and opening for the new Rise Again book we have been waiting for, all this time. At the last RUSH I misspoke about the location, but it is true that these two concerts/sings/gatherings will be on October 3 at the Hadley Methodist Church which holds about 450. There are almost enough people on this email list to fill the church! When I hear more about the tickets I will let you know.

It is very wonderful to be able to announce that Tom Neilson is getting back to the music he loves so much and he is starting what he is calling his Recovery Tour! And starting it with a house concert on July 26. Here is what Tom says about it:
July 26 4 PM Concert-----6 PM Potluck, 729 Colrain Road, Greenfield (about 3 miles from GCC. Big green/brown house on right, just after cemetery; can park along the road on the lawn) *** Limited Space ***
RSVP: 609-560-9493 or 413-325-8417,,
Reserve seat with check to Tom Neilson, c/o Lisa Turowsky, 729 Colrain Rd Greenfield 01301, Suggested Donation $10-15

This is the kickoff to my 2015-16 touring season which I'm calling my Recovery Tour. As many of you know, in October 2013, Lynn and I were in a fairly serious accident when we were hit on the interstate returning from a gig. My injuries included brain trauma, shifting of my spine, and ultimate loss of use of my left hand from nerve damage. Lynn, fortunately, was not hurt as seriously as I was. But I am again playing guitar and we are doing our first concert in over a year. Our good friends, Lisa, John, and Nathan are hosting us for a mid-summer, house concert. We hope you can make it. Poster is attached if you have a good place to post. Please share. An RSVP is necessary, as space is limited. Thank you. Peace, tom 774-2411
(Open to see the poster.)
Then the next bit of news is that we are going to take August off, and skip it for RUSH! So, get out there and find your own friends to sing with, in August - and of course there are various festivals and summer camps and such with a lot of singing. Then, come on back in September for the September RUSH and share with us what you found.

Now for some really good longer-view advance news. Diane Crowe, who used to run the wonderful folk concert series in Leverett is putting together a brand new concert series, to be held in the Mount Toby Friends meetinghouse in Leverett, and she is recruiting great musicians for the series, including (On October 22) the famous John McCutcheon, a world-class singer and one you certainly know of if you have sung his dramatic "Christmas in the Trenches" or his version of Happy Birthday or other of his works. Google him and you get reams of stuff including videos of him singing. This is a big deal! More news about this series when the time gets closer to September when it will begin.

OK folks, two RUSHes in July - come to both!

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