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Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee
"We are about religion and politics, the only two things that matter."
-John Michener, President

1.  Luncheon Location
2.  Speaker July 1:  Judge Bill Graves
3.  Unmelodious Response to The Supremes
4.  Special Election:  Ralph Crawford
1.  Luncheon Location
This Wednesday, July 1, we will meet at Chen’s Buffet on the northwest corner of NW 23rd and Meridian in the Windsor Hills shopping center.  This will be temporary while we are negotiating a new location near the capitol.
2.  Speaker July 1:   Judge Bill Graves
Our speaker this Wednesday will be Oklahoma District Court Judge Bill Graves.  Graves previously served in the Oklahoma Legislature where he was the most conservative legislator every year that he served, holding a lifetime average of 99 on the Oklahoma Conservative Index.  No big deal, you say?  Maybe so…he only served for twenty-four years.  Judge Graves will be talking about the “Exceptions Clause” of the U.S. Constitution, which grants Congress the power to limit the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court.
3.  Unmelodious Response to The Supremes
By now you may have heard that in the opinion of six black-robed tyrants at the U.S. Supreme Court, Obamacare is constitutional.  Of course, any person of average intelligence can read the U.S. Constitution and see that there is no authority for the U.S. Congress or the U.S. President to make laws regarding health care.
None of this is a surprise.  Of course the federal government is going to work to support, protect, and grow the power of the federal government.  That has been happening since the states created the beast.  Power works to protect power.  The real surprise is why the masters (state leaders) are not taking steps to put the rabid beast down.  There are three main reasons that state leadership may not even try to protect us from Obamacare, and you can see them reflected in the responses of Oklahoma leadership.
Take the response of Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, who said, “Yet again, we are forced to comply…”  Here is our first problem.  Bingman believes we are forced to comply.  He believes the federal government has the right and authority to go beyond its constitutional limits whenever it says it can.  He believes the beast is actually the master.
Bingman goes on to say, “We are forced to comply with a flawed law that has presented challenges from the beginning.  Instead of improving health care across the nation, Obamacare has burdened families with increased insurance costs, restricted the decision-making authority of states, and negatively impacted our economy.”  Here is our second problem.  Bingman argues against Obamacare on the basis of its negative effects.  He makes a purely utilitarian argument.  He says Obamacare is bad because it produces bad results, not because it is wrong.
Bingman concludes, “Now is the time for our leaders in Washington, D.C. to rally around solutions that truly reform this broken health care system.”  Compare that to the statement of Randy Bass, the Senate Democratic Leader:  “It’s long past time for us to expand healthcare coverage for low-income, hardworking Oklahomans by accepting Federal funds and expanding Medicaid.”  These final statements represent our third problem.  Oklahoma leadership on both sides of the aisle believes it is proper for the federal government to be involved in healthcare.
Oklahoma leadership believes that the federal government, which was created by the states, is the master of the states and can do whatever it wants.  Oklahoma leadership does not make a moral argument to inspire and embolden themselves and the people.  Oklahoma leadership believes that Washington is the answer to our problems.  Could we have some moral clarity please? 
As a fellow human being living in community with all the rest of you, I have an interest, indeed a responsibility, to defend your lives, your property, and your freedom.  But I have no moral obligation to pay for your wind power, your electric car, your college education, or your medical bills.  You have no moral right to use government to steal from me to pay for those things.  Those are your responsibility.
There, that was simple.  I hope some of our legislators are reading.  Of course, I know many legislators who do understand this.  They are saying, “I know!  But what do we do?”  Having run out of room and time, we will dive into that over the next few weeks.
No, I did not miss the marriage opinion which came out a day after this one.  But a guy can only cover so much on vacation.  This always happened to Charlie, too.  He would go out of town, and then the proverbial excrement would hit the oscillator.  It was a surreal experience, hiking during the day, then listening to out of tune songs by The Supremes in the evening.  Stay tuned next week.
4.  Special Election:  Ralph Crawford
A special election is being held this summer to fill the seat of Representative David Dank who passed away April 10.  OCPAC is not endorsing a candidate in the primary, but I am personally endorsing Ralph Crawford.  Ralph understands the moral rightness of school choice and free markets.  He has also pledged to support legislation to end elective abortion in Oklahoma.  Please vote for Ralph Crawford in the primary on July 14 if you live in House District 85 which includes the neighborhoods surrounding Lake Hefner.
The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members.


Charlie Meadows


OCPAC promotes and supports public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.

OCPAC has been meeting every Wednesday at noon since 1991.  We currently meet at:

Chen's Buffet
4537 NW 23rd St.
Oklahoma City, OK  73127

You are invited.  There is a $1 cover charge without lunch.


We are an organization of volunteers.  All membership dues are used to help worthy candidates and provide continuing education to legislators and voters.

To become a member for the calendar year, send the information below with your check to:

P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083

I want to join OCPAC for this calendar year as a:

-Basic Member, $50
-Elephant Provider, $180
    (or $15 per month drafted)
-RINO Hunter, $360
    (or $30 per month drafted)


Printed Name:

I have freely given from my own resources and have not been compensated for this contribution.  (Corporate contributions are not allowed by law.)

Signature _______________

For Elephant Providers and RINO Hunters we accept automatic monthly contributions.  Simply include a voided check, and we will draft your account each month.  You may discontinue monthly support at any time.
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