The POWER of Using HDSS
High Definition Stream Survey (HDSS) is an integrated approach to answering many of your questions. River corridor data are captured at high resolution (every meter) and each component is combined with the others to provide a comprehensive picture of your entire survey area. Depending on stream conditions, we average 10 to 20 miles of HDSS data collection per day. Imagine having 50 to 100 miles of your stream or river surveyed at high resolution in only 5 days with all the data suitable for integrated modeling. Truly an amazing improvement to stream surveys!
The chart below details the huge amount of information that can be collected and combined to answer your questions.
At the request of a number of our clients, we have included a sample report to show some of the potential outputs from the HDSS approach. This sample report is from a recent HDSS effort that focused on documenting baseline conditions and potential endangered darter habitat prior to a large road construction project.
Click Here to Read a Sample HDSS Report from Turkey Creek, AL
And for something really cool captured during our
High Definition Fish Surveys.....
Smallmouth Bass Spawning in Tennessee!
We would love to work with you to make sure your next
stream or river survey is a great success. 

Feel free to contact us for with any questions or comments.
Thanks for your time and consideration! 

                Parham Environmental                            Trutta Consulting