A monthly roundup of news from CRN Aotearoa and our members
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CRN eNews
June 2015

CRN Hui 2015 

Back to the Future: Towards Zero Waste New Zealand 

29th Sept - 1 Oct, Unitec, Auckland

The concept of zero waste has been around for a while (some would argue that it is, in fact, waste that is the new concept on the block), but what does it look like here in New Zealand, who's taking it seriously as a goal to aspire to, how are they going about it, and what's stopping everyone else from getting on board? It's these questions that we're going to try and answer at this years hui, and we'd love to see you there.

Registrations are now open at the CRN website and if you register before the 1st of August you'll get the early bird rate, saving you at least $100, so you should probably get on to it! 

We've got some great speakers and workshops lined up, including Eric Lombardi from Eco-Cycle in the United States and Niki Harre from the University of Auckland who will lead us on the Infinity Game. 

It's your event too, so if you are interested in presenting then please get in touch with Dorte on

New Resource Recovery qualifications listed by NZQA

Three new certificates in Resource Recovery were approved and listed by NZQA in May. They are the:
  • New Zealand Certificate in Resource Recovery (Level 2) [Qual Ref: 2743]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Resource Recovery (Level 3) with strands in Composting, Recovery and Recycling, Scrap Metal Recycling, and Solid Waste, and an optional strand in Hazardous Waste [Qual Ref: 2744]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Resource Recovery (Level 4) with strands in Composting, Recovery and Recycling, Scrap Metal Recycling, and Solid Waste [Qual Ref: 2745].
To view the qualification documents, visit the NZQA search page here. 
If you are interested in training programmes leading to any of these qualifications, let MITO know via the contact details page.

Call for Papers - WasteMINZ Conference

Have you been involved in an interesting project that you think people should hear about? Why not submit an abstract to the WasteMINZ’s 27th Annual Conference? This years theme is â€˜Circular Solutions – A Circular Economy for New Zealand’.

WasteMINZ are particularly looking for abstracts in the following broad topic areas. Your abstracts can be technical or application based (such as case studies).
  • Circular Economy
  • Alternative Waste Management
  • Behaviour Change and Education
  • Collaborative Initiatives
  • Collection Methodologies
  • Contaminated Land Management
  • Disposal to Land
  • Organic Materials

 Abstracts are due on the 6th July. Click here for more info.

Focus on Health & Safety at WasteMINZ

Two events this month have given WasteMINZ members the opportunity to further understand the implications of the changes to New Zealand's Health & Safety Laws. 

With a shift from protecting from hazards to managing risk the new law has widespread implications for the waste sector, and the likelihood of considerably larger penalties when the law is broken. The new law is due to come into effect in 2015 or 2016, so it makes sense to get informed and ready for the changes sooner rather than later. 

To get you started, check out the material on the Worksafe website here and download a useful Good Governance Practice Guidelines for Managing Health and Safety developed by the the Institute of Directors/MBIE. 

The WasteMINZ Health & Safety briefing, held in Auckland, was the first in a series. Attendance is available to WasteMINZ members only, which is a great reason to consider membership of our fellow waste-sector network organisation. Check out their website at: 

Waste Planning Advisor Wanted: Auckland Council

Auckland Council are seeking a Waste Planning Advisor to develop Auckland Council’s strategic direction in waste management and minimisation in line with the targets and specifications of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

Auckland  Council would look to you to:

  • Contribute to development of the waste assessment and review of Waste Management and Minimisation Plan for Auckland Council
  • Input into national strategies and legislation that influence waste management and minimisation
  • Implement policy projects in accordance with the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan
  • Provide input into Auckland Council’s planning processes and submissions

Applications for this role will close on Tuesday, 7th July 2015 at 10.30 pm.

For more information on Auckland Council, and to apply for this job, please go to and enter the job code 70632WMZ

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic in our lives and challenges people to do something about it. You can sign up for a day, a week or the whole month and try to refuse ALL single-use plastic or try the TOP 4: plastic bags, water bottles, takeaway coffee cups and straws.

I'm going to do it, and I'm attempting to drag my family along too, so I'll let you know how it goes in next months newsletter.

Register here to take the challenge yourself.


Upcoming Events

15 -17 July | Building Today Saving Tomorrow Conference, Auckland. Focussing on minimising construction waste. Click here for more information
29 Sept-1 Oct | Back to the Future: Towards a Zero Waste New Zealand, CRN Hui, Auckland
19-22 Oct | Circular Solutions: A Circular Economy for NZ, WasteMINZ Conference, Rotorua

Read this!

Latest news from CRN Australia 
The Global Alliance of Waste Pickers latest newsletter looks at the issues of gender equality and education opportunities for the children of waste pickers. 


Short bits

If you've received an email from Dorte about the CRN Member Survey and you haven't completed it yet, be sure you do before the end of the week and you'll go into the draw to win a free registration at this years hui.

And thank you to all those who have already completed it, I really, truly appreciate it!


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87 Fairview Crescent, Waiheke Island
Aucklnad 1081

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