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You all seem to be enjoying our polls so much, we have decided to make them a regular item. While they may not appear in each and every newsletter, please keep an eye out for them in the future.

Did someone forward this newsletter to you? Lucky you! Did you know that only newsletter subscribers can participate in our polls? Make sure we arrive in your inbox next fortnight by subscribing here. That way, you can join in on our next poll question too!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to last week's poll. We had another fantastic amount of voters. Take a look at the results in my post below: Smoking should be banned from balconies in apartment buildings.

Pets in Apartments have been back in the news this past fortnight and we were wondering how many of you have a pet living in your apartment with you, and if so, did you seek full approval from your body corporate? (Please note: poll responses are anonymous.)

Quick Poll:

Do you have a pet living in your apartment & if so, did you seek approval from your body corporate?

No - I do not have any pets and I'm happy to leave it that way
No - I do not have a pet, but I wish I did
Yes - I have a pet but my body corporate does not know
Yes - I have a pet and I have full approval to keep it in the apartment

I'll publish the results of the survey in next fortnight's newsletter. If you would like to expand on this topic and you have more to say than just ticking one of the boxes above, I'd love to hear from you. Please reply to this newsletter with your response. If you would like to find out some more information about pets in apartments, take a look at our FactSheet: Strata Pets.

Our community grows from word of mouth. If you like what you find in these newsletters, please forward them on to others who may be interested or simply tell them about LookUpStrata. We thank you for your support!

smoking in apartments

Smoking should be banned from balconies in apartment buildings

We recently carried out a poll to find out how our subscribers feel about smoking in apartments, particularly on balconies. Should it be banned? Find out what you - our subscribers - think.

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Reserve fund levy

Are your Reserve Fund levies set to low?

Peter Greenham, Independent Inspections
When you buy a unit you need to make sure of all the costs before you buy. Some Strata Managers have been setting the reserve fund levy at 10 percent of the administration budget.

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apartment Letter boxes

NSW: Common Property Letterboxes, CCTV Cameras and Letterbox Theft

Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
The theft of mail from apartment letter boxes is on the rise given that they are an attractive target for thieves. So, what can you do about it?

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QLD: Did you hear the rumours about bank lending on management rights?

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
A recent decision from QCAT has caused a bit of discussion in the industry, particularly concerning the topic of bank lending on management rights.

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Dispute resolution

What is Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation and what are the benefits of each process?

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
What are the four steps of dispute resolution - Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation - and what are the benefits of each of these steps?

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Strata Information

Electrical “Time Bomb” Needs Urgent Government Action

Kim Henshaw, Strata Community Australia
Another construction material, Infinity Cable Co’s imported electrical cabling, is causing serious concern for property stakeholders off the back of the aluminium cladding issue.

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7:30 Report: The battle to keep potentially lethal building products out of Australia

Cheap, highly combustible, Chinese-made cladding that doesn't meet Australian standards was installed on a Melbourne high-rise that saw fire fly up its 15 stories last year, and now the Senate has announced an inquiry into substandard building products to respond to the alarm over a growing wave of dodgy imported material making their way into Australian buildings.

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia, follow us on Twitter


Strata title body corporate tax return and instructions 2015 

NSW:  Technology and strata meetings: What proposed reforms mean for you


Apartment Owners left high and dry on building defects: Syd Fisher 

High-rise apartments vulnerable to 'major fire': engineer

Bankstown unit fire inquest: strata manager failed to inform owners about safety defects


Voting on Behalf of a Corporate Lot Owner

QLD: 6 Indicators of a Body Corporate Levy Increase

Apartment managers urging a statewide crack down on short term letting: No more party houses.

Gold Coast Apartment owners prepare to “cash out” rather than be hit with massive levies for repairs

Are units becoming more pet friendly?

VIC: Identity thieves targeting apartment letterboxes in Melbourne's west


WA: Aluminium Cladding found in nine City of Perth buildings

Solar power: WA’s largest solar panel system installed at new Rivervale apartments

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:

The most read article from our last newsletter?

Strata reforms

Polls about strata living: Have your say!

We recently conducted a survey asking which aspects of strata living our subscribers liked best. Here are the results, plus links to some other apartment living surveys you may like to participate in.

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Strata Events

JULY 10:
SCA (VIC): Managing a Crisis in a Strata Property

JULY 13:
SCA (WA): The Role of the Council 

JULY 14:
SCA (QLD): The Speed Letting Stoush (Brisbane)

JULY 22:
SCA (QLD): Brookfield Decision: Builders 1 – Body Corporate Nil (Surfers Paradise)

JULY 23:
SCA (QLD): Brookfield Decision: Builders 1 – Body Corporate Nil (Mooloolaba)

JULY 24:
(WA) Green Gurus - Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop

Visit our Strata Events Page
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