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The Fearless Caregiver Manifesto   •  July 2, 2015  •  Issue #826

Today's Caregiver eNewsletter



Gary Barg, Editor-in-Chief

20 Years and Counting…

Twenty years ago this week (or, if you'd rather, 175,320 hours, 10,519,200 minutes or 1,043 weeks ago) on a rainy Fourth of July weekend, I drove a rental truck to a local magazine printer's warehouse to pick up copies of the first issue of Today's Caregiver magazine. I loaded the issues onto the truck and then spent the entire next week delivering the magazines to hospitals and care facilities across my community  ...more


20 Years and Counting…

The Fearless Caregiver Manifesto

The Accident

5 Things You Need to Know When Your Loved One is in ICU



The Fearless Caregiver Manifesto 

By Gary Barg

I will fearlessly assess my personal strengths and weaknesses, work diligently to bolster my weaknesses and to graciously recognize my strengths.

I will fearlessly make my voice be heard with regard to my loved ones care and be a strong ally to those professional caregivers committed to caring for my loved one and a fearless shield against those not committed to caring for my loved one. ...more


The Accident

By Pamela G Stewart

I have chronic progressive multiple sclerosis.  When this situation occurred, I was using a scooter or a walker as mobility aids, depending on my needs.  For quite some time, I continued driving to work because I didn't feel like I had a choice.  Too often, public buses didn't stop to let me on—perhaps because of the extra time it would take to load me and the scooter. The paratransit van that comes to your door is notoriously unreliable in my area. I kept driving until the Universe made the decision for me.  ...more


5 Things You Need to Know When Your Loved One is in ICU

By Susan Montminy, MSN, RN and Meredith Dodge, MSN, RN

It is the middle of the night and the phone rings. Your family member has been in a car accident and is rushed to the hospital. He is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU). You race to the hospital and are met by the intensive care doctor. All you hear is “critical, unstable, and surgery.” Later, as you sit out in the waiting room, you wonder, What can I do to help my loved one through this? ...more

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by Jo Mason

Most people hope to avoid
This thing I do.
It’s impossible without the Lord.

As well as my husband dear,
Without whose help
My ability would disappear.

This thing I do
Wears and tears on me;
But joy comes too from caring for  you.

Some nights become long.
Some days are so hard.
Yet I know it can’t be wrong.

When your eyes shine bright,
And I see you smile.
I know this thing I do is right.

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