Newsletter for the Indigenous Health Garden of the Indigenous Research
Partnerships, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC
The Indigenous Health Research & Education
July 8th 2015

In this newsletter:

  • Highlights from late June

  • Upcoming workshops and volunteer opportunities

  • Recipe from the June Feast Bowl: Garlic Scape and Tahini Sauce with Sautéed Vegetables

  • Volunteer with the Maya in Exile Garden at the UBC Farm

As we head into an early drought, we are so mindful of water and what it brings to the plants we work with. The garden has been hungry for it all month and we try our best to limit our watering to cooler times of day when it is less likely to evaporate quickly, but we know that the native plants and grasses beyond the reach of our sprinklers are in for months more without it. We are reminded of the land and waters around us, from the salmon runs in low-running rivers to the wild fires burning right nearby. Drought-tolerant plantings and efficient watering are at the forefront of our minds!

In late June, volunteers in the garden planted beets, fennel, parsnips, carrots, lettuce, kohlrabi, buckwheat, beans, cilantro, dill, oats, scallions, and transplant winter broccoli and brussels sprouts. Volunteers harvested st. john's wort, lavender, rose petals, chamomile, coltsfoot, sweet cicely, bergamot, yarrow, and pearly everlasting to dry for tea. Visiting groups from Emily Carr's Food Justice class and youth in the Summer Science program helped work with many of these plants.

The Feast Bowl hosted a visit from the Art History and Visual Art department and the UBC Learning Exchange, cooking baked salmon, sautéed vegetables, garlic scape tahini sauce (recipe below), roasted cauliflower, salad, tea, bannock, and ice cream with lavender, mint, and lemon balm from the garden. Over 50 people joined us to enjoy the feast!

The Medicine Collective took students from EDUC 440: Aboriginal Education in Canada and participants in the Tsawwassen First Nation Farm School on medicine walks and shared teachings about the plants, while youth in the CRUW program transplanted the tobacco into the garden where it has established happily.

Don't forget to check out our website and Facebook page for regular updates, photos, volunteer opportunities, and more!
Highlights from late June

Clockwise from top left: traditional Andean root crop oca shows off its edible yellow blooms; volunteers weed rutabagas; gigantic kohlrabi ready for harvest; a packed kitchen at the June Feast Bowl; one of three bird's nests found by volunteers in the garden over the past few weeks; rose petals being dried for medicinal tea-making; walla walla onions sizing up; straining oil at the June salve-making medicine workshop.

Upcoming workshops and volunteer opportunities
  • Thursday July 16th, 1:30PM-4:30PM: Garden volunteer session
  • Tuesday July 21st, 9:30AM-12:30PM: Garden volunteer session
  • Tuesday July 21st, 2:00-4:00PM: Tea Harvesting Medicine Workshop (workshop full, please RSVP to to join the waitlist)
  • Tuesday July 28th, 9:30AM-12:30PM: Garden volunteer session
  • Wednesday July 29th: Feast Bowl community meal at the UBC Longhouse
  • Tuesday August 25th, 4:00-6:00PM: Tea Making Medicine Workshop (workshop full, please RSVP to to join the waitlist)
  • Wednesday August 26th: Feast Bowl community meal at the UBC Farm
  • Tuesday September 29th, 3:00-5:00PM: Tobacco Pipe Mix Making Medicine Workshop (workshop full, please RSVP to to join the waitlist)
  • Wednesday September 30th: Feast Bowl community meal at the UBC Longhouse
  • Wednesday October 28th: Feast Bowl community meal at the UBC Longhouse
How to volunteer for garden volunteer sessions: we work in the garden rain or shine, so come dressed for the weather. We have extra rain boots, gardening tools, and gloves to share. Bring a snack and water bottle - bring friends and family (of any age) too! No experience necessary. You will find us in the Indigenous Health Garden at the UBC Farm. The most up-to-date directions to the UBC Farm can be found here. Once at the Farm, you can follow the "Aboriginal Health Gardens" signs to find our garden here.

How to volunteer for the Feast Bowl: join us at the UBC First Nations Longhouse (1985 West Mall) at or after 9:30AM to help us harvest or cook, or 12:30PM to eat lunch with us. Extra help from any age or skill level is always appreciated, especially in the kitchen. If you can only join us for lunch, we encourage you to come anyway and we look forward to sharing a delicious meal with you!

Note: if you plan to bring a large group, please let us know ahead of time at
Recipe from the June Feast Bowl: Garlic Scape Tahini Sauce & Sautéed Vegetables

At the June meal, this sauce was a great accompaniment to our roasted cauliflower and the colourful spring vegetables we sautéed!

Chopped in-season cooking vegetables (eg. bok choi, carrots, cabbage, kale, collards, garlic scapes, kohlrabi and onions)
Cooking oil
Silken/soft tofu
Garlic scapes
Lemon juice
Optional spices and herbs (eg. basil, oregano, dill, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, paprika)

1. Heat a pan on medium-high and add the vegetables that need more cooking time (eg. carrots, onions) and herbs. Sauté for 5-10 minutes.
2. Add leafy green vegetables and cook until just wilted but still vibrant green, remove from heat.
3. In a food processor or blender, combine garlic scapes, tofu, tahini, and lemon juice until desired texture and consistency is reached. Add salt, pepper, spices and herbs to taste.
4. Serve vegetables warm with sauce drizzled over top.

Recipe created and tested by our garden and Feast Bowl interns - Jaylin Melnichuk, Kendall Andison, Dancing Water Lulue, and Victoria Cooke!

Volunteer with the Maya in Exile Garden at UBC Farm

Our friends at the Maya in Exile Garden at UBC Farm are looking for volunteers! If you are interested and have some time to give, join them at their garden on Saturdays between 10AM and 2PM or contact Nati at or 778-714-1554.

For more information about the Garden, its history, and its activities, read more here.
Indigenous Research Partnerships
UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems
2357 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. Canada
V6T 1Z4
Phone: (604) 822-5092
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