SydSol wins in Redfern and takes on a new fight in Darlinghurst.
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Victory at cafe in Redfern!

Sydsol wins again!! After three SydSol actions at the Perfect Cup Cafe in Redfern, Josie finally was paid her superannuation. This was only $365 which was a tiny proportion of the profits the boss would have gained from her labour. Thanks to all who made this happen. Persistence does really pay off and together we are strong.

Josie writes, "The last visit was a memorable experience. Fifteen of us walked with the Sydsol banner from Regent street along Redfern Street, settled ourselves outside the cafe - Carousel, and handed out flyers to passers by while we chanted 'Pay Josie Her Super!' and 'The people united will never be defeated!' The boss was visibly rattled and tried all manner of things to get rid of us - statements, pleas, lies, insults, bargaining, empty threats of calling the police and finally a promise to pay me on Monday etc. He thought he may prompt us to leave by stating: 'You are affecting my business', but of course that didn't work, as the answer was: 'Good. That's what we are here for'. We stood fast for at least our planned time which was half an hour. The public walking by were also very interested and supportive except for a couple who seemed to have been invited by the boss to provoke a stoush which very nearly happened. Who knows? It was so good to see the boss for once beholden to the workers instead of the other way around. I felt so empowered when I confronted him and said, 'You are a liar. I don't trust you. I don't believe a word you are saying. Only when I see the money transferred will I believe you. We are going to keep coming back here until you pay up.' Even after this experience he thought he could get away with not paying me. I had to remind him again via text and it took him three weeks to do so. However, I was determined not to give up so I knew, no matter how long it took, I was going to win but I could not have done it without the help of everyone who organised, advertised and turned up. Viva Sydsol!!"

A new fight!

Join us to support a supermarket worker: 11am Saturday 4th July

SydSol is taking on a new fight in support of Yoon, a worker who was exploited by a supermarket in Darlinghurst. Yoon worked three 10 hour 'training shifts' packing containers of fruit salad in November 2014, but never got paid. The work was falsely presented as training which would lead to a job. She has asked Nick, the boss, multiple times to pay her the award wages she is legally entitled to, only to be fobbed off each time. How many other workers have done Nick's 'training shifts' in the hope of a job at the end but ended up with no job and no pay? Adding insult to injury, Nick threatened to call the police on Yoon if she came back again to ask for her pay.

SydSol will be doing a leafleting action outside the supermarket and we ask that you join us! We are demanding that Nick pay Yoon the award wages she is legally entitled to.

Meet at 11am, Saturday 4th July, at Taylor Square on Oxford St. We will then proceed to the supermarket nearby.

We also encourage you to forward this email to friends, or share it on social media using the share button here, and use the hashtag #SydneySolidarity.

Another way to help SydSol: photocopying!

As well as coming to actions and spreading the word, SydSol is in need of help with photocopying. Do you have access to a free photocopier? Can you photocopy some leaflets for us? Drop us a line at

Next SydSol meeting

Our next meeting is at 5:30pm, Thursday 9th July at Jura Books. All welcome.
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Sydney Solidarity Network
C/O 440 Parramatta Road
Petersham, NSW 2049

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