June 2015

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
I hope you are enjoying the start of summer. I recently got a call from my 10 year old grandson who plays little league baseball.  He was excited to share that his team was playing a championship game on Saturday and it would be “cool “ if I could be there. 

What grandmother doesn’t want to be cool? So, even though the game was two hours from my house, I said I would be there. The biggest surprise was that he had made it that far. I had seen the team play and they lost most games and struggled. Evidently, like the Bad News Bears, they rallied and won. I went to the game, and sure enough his team won the championship. All the boys received large trophies and had their photo taken. 

I overheard one father say to his son, “ go thank your coach and look him in the eye.” I heard the comment, and I stopped to think about what a wonderful lesson he was teaching his son. 

I know many adults who have conversations without looking someone in the eye. It’s really about being totally present.  I have often seen people in a networking situation where one person is speaking, and the other person is looking around the room to see who else is there. 

One of the biggest gifts you can give someone is to listen and to look him or her in the eye. So, here’s your coaching for the month. Please practice being totally focused when you are having a conversation with someone. Look them in the eye and listen.Clients and colleagues want better relationships, which will improve their businesses and their personal lives. 

So, as the ten year old little league player 

learned, “Look them in the eye”.

Have a great month!!

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC
Regards, Phyllis



September 16, 2015
New Jersey Law Firm
Market You Must!!

This Month's Article

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships


The true secret to growing a successful business is building relationships. You add people to your community with every relationship you develop. Become the host of your community. Just like the host of a party, be sure that your guests are engaged and involved. 

When collecting quotes for my book there was a recurring theme, the importance of relationships. 

The relationship-building strategies discussed: listening, adding value, following-up, will all lead to the outcome you desire–to get to the top of your game. 

Coach's Action Step: Think about the concept of becoming the host of your community; create new relationships and nurture them. Choose any action step in this book. Each one will help you build your community. 

Know Yourself

People have different personalities. Some of us enjoy meeting new people and networking; others would rather go to the dentist. There are different ways to market and grow your business. 

Try new things, but if they aren't comfortable, try a different option. Know what works for you and leverage it in your marketing plan. 

Rather than focusing on your weaknesses, leverage your talents. You'll achieve your greatest results if you use your natural gifts. 

Coach's Action Step: What are your natural strengths? Ask three to four people to give you their perspective. You’ll gain insight by seeing yourself as others see you. 

Find a Mentor 

People don't make it to the top alone. Everyone has help along the way. You can shorten your learning curve by getting advice from someone with more experience. Most successful people are happy to share their wisdom. 

If your place of business doesn't have a mentoring program, seek out people you admire. Look for someone you trust to be your advisor and guide. 

Mentors can be found in many places: your firm, your community, your teachers and people you’ve worked with in the past. The best mentor is also a great role model. 

Coach’s Action Step: Reach out to someone you admire and respect and ask him to meet with you. If you feel a connection, ask if he'd be willing to be your mentor. 

Have a Plan 

Choose a measurable goal that you would like to accomplish.Do you want more clients? More time off? More income? The first step to achieving your goal is to create a plan. 

A good plan includes action steps and deadlines. Make it realistic and estimate the time each step will take. Account for resources you need and build a reserve of time. 

Whether your goal is five new clients or five million dollars in five years, if you have a plan, you’re far more likely to achieve it. 

Coach’s Action Step: Choose one goal and create an action plan with deadlines. Break tasks into achievable steps and get going! 

Always Carry Business Cards 

Keep a good supply of business cards available at all times; in your wallet, your briefcase, your glove compartment. The person who asks for your card could become your best client. 

Think of your card as a marketing tool. Ensure the information is complete and up to date. Consider it a mini-brochure and make it memorable. Business cards are your calling card; they represent you as a professional. 

Coach’s Action Step: Carry cards you’re proud of, and don’t hesitate to offer them to people you meet.

Have a great month!! 

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC

Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424
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