
Together we can create a safer more vibrant community!


July 2015

Dear Neighbours,

Gilmore Park News

Vehicle Break-Ins
Friday July 10 just after midnight there were three kids walking around trying to get into vehicles on Graham Road.  Thank you Tammy Smeltzer for letting neighbours know via the Gilmore Park Community League Facebook page.  If you notice vehicle break-ins please report it.

Are you my mother?
A resident on Grant Avenue reported on July 8th that this kitten has been wandering around Grant Avenue for 2 days. He's all black with a little white underneath his chin. Does anyone know where he lives?

Summer Camps in Gilmore Park
There are still a few spots remaining for Scott Hebert's camp on July 20-24th. It will be run in Gilmore Park for children between the ages of 4-9.  It runs from 9:00am-12:00pm and costs $120.00. Scott is a certified physical education teacher. Follow this LINK for more information and registration details.

Walking School Bus
Do you live in walking distance from Glen Allan or Jean Vanier Elementary Schools and would like your children to walk to school with other neighbourhood kids? If yes please email us your interest in participating in a walking school bus and we will arrange a meeting of parents prior to the start of the new school year.

A walking school bus is a group of children walking to school with one or more adults. It can be as informal as two families taking turns walking their children to school to as structured as a route with meeting points, a timetable and a regularly rotated schedule of volunteers.

Glen Allan Traffic Calming

Thank you to everyone who participated in the traffic calming open house in June.  For more information on the next steps follow this LINK

Play it Forward
Thank you Strathcona County Parent Link for once again bringing a bucket of sand toys to Gilmore Park over the summer.  They ask all parents and children to care for these toys helping to make our neighbourhood a better place to play!

Pop up Inflatables
Thank you Strathcona County Information and Volunteer Centre for bringing inflatables to Gilmore Park on Saturday, June 6!

Community Board
A new sign has been installed in Gilmore Park to recognize the efforts and contributions to relocate our previous playground equipment to Honduras in the spring of 2014!

Your friendly neighbourhood,
Gilmore Park Community League



If you have anything to add to upcoming E-Newletters and/or if you have neighbours that would like to join our communications.


Community Updates

Congratulations to Gilmore Park Community League Secretary, Alena Weppler and her husband David who welcomed a baby boy to their family on July 7!

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the King Family after the passing of our neighbour Tom from Gilmore Avenue on July 2nd.

Thank you to 9 year old neighbour, Cameron Spence who volunteered to give welcome cards to neighbours who have moved in to the area in the past year.

If you would like GPCL to send a note to a neighbour for any reason please email us at

Subscribe to Community Updates via Mayor Roxanne Carr

Stay connected via Councillor Dave Anderson's Ward 2 Updates

More info and news from Strathcona County

2015-2016 GPCL
Board of Directors

Tammy, Mycki, Deneka, Alena, Cory, Katie, Shelley & Donna - Join us any time by emailing

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